《忽然》连载 3. 新石器时代与巨石文化
3. 新石器时代与巨石文化
3. The Neolithic Age and Megalithic Culture
3.1 新石器时代与铜石并用时代
3.1 The Neolithic Age and Aeneolithic Age
旧石器时代结束后就是新石器时代。新石器时代的标志是从打制石器转变到 磨制石器。也有人以农业文明产生的时间来界定新石器时代。
The Stone Age has been divided into two periods: the Paleolithic Age and the Neolithic Age. The mark of the Paleolithic Age was chipped stone tools while the Neolithic Age abraded stone tool. Some divided the ages by the emergence of agriculture. And the Neolithic Age of each place started from different time, which of China from about 10000 years ago.
The Movius Line grew into the Neolithic Age and the west part of the old continent remained ahead.
( 乌拉尔山中的巨石建筑 / Huge stones in the Urals of Russia )
各地进入新石器时代的时期不一,先进的最早的是从大约 1.8 万年前开始的, 中国新石器时代大致从 1 万年前开始。总体西部旧大陆在新石器时代依然保持先 进,东亚处于中间状态,美洲、澳洲最落后。今天中国依然处于一个发展中国家, 文明层次处于中间状态,可以说几万年来,中国在全球的地位基本不变。
新石器时代人们依然玩石头。但石头的玩法经过 2 百万年的积累,最终进入到出神入化 的境地。一个是加工石材的体积变大,有的石块甚至会达到几吨重,甚至最终也有发展到上 千吨重,另外一个是注重了美观。
Two million years later, humans continued to handle stones, but the stone they processed became increasingly big. In terms of either processing technology or transportation, cooperation was much more imperative and therefore human beings established their complicated societies of which the ancient Egyptian Empire where pyramids were built was a typical example.
( 英国大约 4500 年前的巨石 阵 / Stonehenge in England 4500 BP)
巨大的石块,不仅需要加工 技术更高,更需要合作运输,所 以此期的人类社会复杂化也到了 一个新高度。古埃及金字塔就是 一个例证。
巨石文化主要是铜石并用时代的产物 ,所以,哪个地区没有足够长的铜石并用时代也 就没有巨石文化。中国正是这样一个国家。
Megalithic culture was mainly the product of Chalcolithic cultures, and so the place without Chalcolithic cultures did not have Megalithic culture.
(太平洋上的复活节岛 巨人雕像 / Giant statues of Easter Island in Pacific Ocean )
为何与西方人相 比中国人至今不擅长 石材建筑或雕刻,就是因为从旧石器时代缺失了这个发育期环节。
East Asia used to be a place without Aeneolithic and Megalithic cultures, and therefore they are strange to stone buildings till today.
3.2 伊甸园:辉煌的安纳托里亚文明
3.2 Eden, the Brilliant Anatolian Civilization
( 土耳其的亚 洲部分被称呼为安纳托里 亚 )
从旧石器 时代就可 以看出来,人类发展的重心会发生转移,但却不发生远距离跳跃。旧石器时代早 期人类活动重心在东非,旧石器时代晚期的重心就转移到了欧洲,到新石器时代 再次发生了转移: 从前,英国和土耳其都与欧洲在同一块大陆之上,当时海峡 尚未打开。人类文化重 心从大约15000年前开 始转移到了亚洲,来到 了连接欧洲与非洲的咽喉 要道中东地区,在这里连 续闪现出一系列耀眼的文 明光辉。
(土耳其人父系 Y 染色体 分布。 J 为典型阿拉伯半岛 闪族 Y 染色体类型,是土 第一大成分; R 合计 24.%, 假如再加上 G 的 10.9%, 印欧人成分与闪族基本上 平分秋色/ The population of Turkey with different haplogroups,portion of Indo-European is very as big as J of Semitic. )
Over 10000 years ago, the British Isles and Anatolia were on the same continent before the straits appeared. It is clear that the peak of human development came to the east end of the European Continent. Anatolia was the route artery connecting Europe and Asia.
1 万多年前安纳托里亚东南出现了雕刻精美的大型巨石建筑群哥贝克力,其 宗教性与艺术性都显示 了相当的社会复杂性,这 些巨柱重达几吨。
大约 1.5 万年前这里 的人们开始种植小麦,这 是全球学界公认的人类 最早的农业发源地。两者 相距很近,所以他们也可 能是同一群人。更重要的 是,这里也是《圣经》中 所描述的“伊甸园”所在 地,传说中的诺亚方舟的 靠岸地点就在其东北的 亚拉腊山。这说明《旧约》 中的大洪水很可能不是
( 诺亚方舟靠岸的亚拉腊山。这里很可能也是火神的发源地之一。Mount Ararat where Noah’s Ark landed )
About 15000 years ago, people of the place began planting wheat, which was the start of agriculture in the world. Before long, the first megalithic architecture in history was created not far away from the above site. In actual fact, Eden in the Bible should locate around the place. Lara Hill where Noah’s Ark landed was also in the northeast of Turkey, which means the deluge must have taken place near the Black Sea rather than in other places.
(哥贝克 Gobek 巨石建筑所在地 / Location of Gobek)
大约 9000 年前世界上最早的城市出现在安纳托里亚中部的恰塔霍育克 (Chatalhoyuk)。他们甚至开始养殖最早的绵羊。世界上最早的布匹也发现于 这里。另外,备受争议的印欧人起源地之一也在土耳其境内。
About 9000 years ago, Chatalhoyuk, the earliest city ever built in the world appeared in the center of Anatolia. People around the place even began to raise first sheep and weave first cloth.
这些集中在中东或土耳其附近的文化现象与当初欧洲旧石器时代晚期一样, 有明显的集聚效应和积累效应,他们通常只在一定的范围之内大爆发。这说明, 所谓文明的起源或爆发在空间上不是随意的,而是一种密集传播交流效应。
An agglomeration effect can be seen obviously in Turkey, just like that occurring in the late Paleolithic Age in Europe. It means that the center of human development moved out of Europe for some reason at that time probably because of the drop in temperature before that.
3.3 巨石文化源头在西部
3.3 The West Part as the Cradle of Megalithic Culture
(法国布列塔尼的巨石阵 / Alignements de Carnac )
地中海北部尼人曾经生活过的地方散布着相对统一的巨石文化。大家最熟悉 的是英国的 stonehenge,其实最早最壮观的是 12000 多年前土耳其的哥贝克利石 柱群,以及连续长达几公里的法国布列塔尼的巨石阵,并且它们都比埃及金字塔 的时间还早。
Stonehenge in England was the most famous of all megalithic architectures in the world though Gobekli Tepe, the earliest megalithic building, was unearthed in Turkey in 1996. Each pillar of it has a height of up to 6 m (20 ft) and a weight of up to 20 tons.
新石器时代有一个巨石文化。 100 年前的英国人类学家 Elliot Smith 提出一 个日石文化概念,因为伴随着巨石文化还有太阳崇拜。同时他还提出了“超级大 扩散”概念,即全球文明是从一个点传播出去的。我认为他的“超级大扩散”概 念是正确的,但他的解释体系是错误的,所以他的理论被推翻了。他认为全球文 明是从古埃及传播到全球的。
One century ago, the British anthropologist Elliot Smith proposed two concepts, the Heliolithic Culture and the Hyper Diffusion. As far as I can see it, the concepts have been wrongly interpreted though they are quite good. According to the time and the distribution of Megalithic cultures in the world, the origin was not what he believed in Egypt but in Turkey. He was mistaken in that it was turned upside down.
( 重达千吨的黎巴嫩历史时期巨石 / Huge stone in Lebanon, weighing thousands of tons )
现在从全球巨石文化的分布与时间看,其发源地不是在尼罗河,而是在安纳 托里亚地区,这里联系着亚欧地区,曾经是欧洲大陆向东部的延伸。甚至我们可 以追溯到更早前的旧石器时代,人类活动的高峰和重心是不断转移扩散的,土耳 其的辉煌就是欧洲旧石器时代文化的转移结果。
巨石文化的发展与分布同样符合莫氏线分布原则,从地域上看它很明显地继 承延续了旧石器时代晚期的辉煌。
The distribution of megalithic culture also accords with the principle of the Movius Line and it is clearly the continuation of the brilliance of the late Paleolithic Age.
( 土耳其万年前巨石建筑与细部雕刻 / Gobekli Tepe with details )
(或许我们该查一查毕 加索的父系基因是否属 于当初参与旧石器时代 洞画创作的克罗马侬 人。Maybe we should make clear whether Picasso’s paternal genes belong to haplogroup I who surely participate in the painting of the Paleolithic Age.)
以前我们认为旧石器时代和今天的人类社会无 关,看来完全不是如此,旧石器时代对今天人类社 会一直发挥着潜在影响。但地缘与气候也在不断改 写着人类历史。
有谁想过西班牙与法国的视觉艺术为何那么发 达吗?无论如何,那里是几万年前旧石器时代人类 最多出现最早绘画艺术的地方。假如你疑惑德国音 乐为何那么发达,有一个未必准确的解释是,世界 上最早最大量的旧石器时代乐器就是在包括德国 的中东欧发掘出来的。假如这些是事实,那么文化 传承的力量有多大是需要重新思考的。
We used to think that the Paleolithic Age and the human society today has nothing to do with other, but it seems completely not the case. The Paleolithic Age used to exert a potential impact on the human society. You may ask why visual arts in Spain and France used to be so well developed. In any case, they were places where most of the earliest paintings of the Paleolithic Age were produced. As for why Germany made so brilliant achievements in classical music, the possible answer is that the large numbers of world's first musical instruments made in the Pleolithic Age were found in Central and Eastern Europe, including Germany. In this light, we shall have to rethink about how powerful cultural inheritance is.