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Evaluation of the Temple Touch Pro, a Novel Noninvasive Core-Temperature Monitoring System
Temple Touch Pro(TTP)是一种新的系统,这个系统可以从皮肤表面的颞动脉测量核心温度。我们要检验这样一个假设:这种无创的系统能够把核心温度的测定精度控制在0.5℃的范围内。
方 法
结 果
在成年人和儿科患者中,TTP测量温度和参考核心温度的一致性都较好。 Bland-Altman图在35.2ºC至37.8ºC的温度范围内没有显示系统偏差或变异性。估计95%的上限和下限为-0.57ºC(95%置信区间[CI],-0.76至-0.41)和0.57ºC(95%CI,0.44至0.71),表明两种方法之间存在很好的一致性。TTP温度的百分之九十四(95%CI,87%至99%)相差参考温度的0.5ºC以内。 重复测量的CCC为0.82(95%CI,0.66至0.91)也支持这种好的结论。 TTP核心温度的测量值也符合鼻咽参考温度。
结 论
Evaluation of the Temple Touch Pro, a Novel Noninvasive Core-Temperature Monitoring System Evron, Shmuel; Weissman, Avi; Toivis, Vadim; More Anesthesia & Analgesia . 125(1):103-109, July 2017
The Temple Touch Pro (TTP) is a novel system that estimates core temperature from skin over the temporal artery. We tested the hypothesis that this noninvasive system esti-mates core temperature to an accuracy within 0.5ºC.
Core temperature was continuously monitored in 50 adult and pediatric surgical patients by positioning the sensor patch of a TTP over one temporal artery. The sensor consists of a thermistor array near the skin surface, another set of thermistors above an insulator, and a second insulator between the upper unit and the environment. The sensor measures skin
temperature and heat flux, from which the monitor unit estimates core temperature from a proprietary algorithm. Reference core temperature was measured from the esophagus or naso-pharynx. We conducted agreement analysis between the TTP and the reference core tempera-ture measurements using the 95% Bland-Altman limits of agreement for repeated measurement data. The proportion of all differences that were within 0.5ºC and repeat measures concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) were estimated as well.
TTP and the reference core temperature measurements agreed well in both adults and pediatric patients. Bland-Altman plots showed no evidence of systematic bias or variability over the temperature from 35.2ºC to 37.8ºC. The estimated 95% lower and upper limits of agreement were −0.57ºC (95% confidence interval [CI], −0.76 to −0.41) and 0.57ºC (95% CI,0.44 to 0.71), indicating good agreement between the 2 methods. Ninety-four percentage (95% CI, 87% to 99%) of the TTP temperatures were within 0.5ºC of the reference temperature. Good agreement was also supported by an estimated repeated measures CCC of 0.82 (95% CI, 0.66 to 0.91). The TTP core temperature measurements also agreed well with nasopharyngeal refer-ence temperatures.
CONCLUSIONS: The noninvasive TTP system is sufficiently accurate and reliable for routine intraoperative core temperature monitoring.
