沁园春·长沙 英语翻译-和大师徐渊冲翻译的对比(俞海)


翻译大师徐渊冲翻译如下:Spring in a Pleasure Garden Changsha By Mao ZedongAlone stand I in autumn cold,At 0range Islet Head,Where River Xiang goes north. Behold!Hills on hills are all in red,Woods upon woods in crimson dressed.

The river green down to the bed,A hundred ships in speed contest.Far and wide eagles cleave the air;

Up and down fish glide over depths clear:All creatures under frosty skies vie to be freer.Brooding o'ver immensity there,I wonder in this world so vast and dim,Who decides who will sink or swim.

With many friends I oft came here.How thick with salient days those bygone miles appear!When, students in the flower of our age,,Our spirit bright was at its height,Full of the scholar's noble rage,We criticized with all our might.

Pointing to stream and hill,Writing in blame or praise,We treat'd like dirt all mighty lords of olden days.Do you remember sill,Swimming mid-tram, we struck waves to sayThat boats speeding their way?我的翻译如下:Xin-Yun-Cun·Changsha By Mao Zedong   Translated  by Hai YuI stand lonely in the Xiang River in the cold Autumn,the Rvier ride north at orange delta sideLook the red color from hill to hill,The wood covers wood with deep silence  ,The whole rvier is green and boats competition by runing fastEagles hit the sky up and down,Fish swim in the clear shallow waterAll kinds of animal contest for the growth and freedomI wonder the land and world so widely and endlesslyWho conquer the world in what ways?The time my classmates were young and visited this place many timesthe Telent and Young man, with great pave to achieve the progressRemeber the past the great time and ambitious opinionwe pointed the nations and the land  with agressive poem and look down the landlord and worlord,Remember it? We should hit the surge in the center while the wave supress our boat?我的翻译是否更有个性,请各位指教!!!



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