When You Say Nothing At All教唱
今天我们学的这首歌是一首非常好听的蓝草音乐,而演唱这首歌的歌手Alison Krauss 是当今美国蓝草音乐的领军者,“蓝草音乐”(Blue Grass)是美国民间音乐的一种,从上世纪二十年代出现并开始发展。
这首《When You Say Nothing At All》描绘了当你找到爱情的时候,对方的一个眼神或者一个细微的动作,你都能知道对方在想什么。
You say it best when you say nothing at all
听Alison Krauss唱歌恍如站在轻风吹拂大草原上享受和煦的阳光,《Let Me Touch You For Awhile》、《Crazy As Me》等曲子反复听几十遍都觉得时间过得太快。在网易云有同学这么评论这首《When You Say Nothing At All》It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
It’s amazing连读How h弱读 can弱读 right t 省音Without saying a word you can light up the darkWithout t 省音 word d省音saying a连读 light up连读 up p省音Try as I may I could never explainTry as I 连读 could d省音 never explain连读What I hear when you don't say a thingWhat I连读 don’t t省音 say a连读The smile on your face lets me know that you need meSmile on连读 that t弱读 need d省音There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave meTruth in连读 your eyes连读 eyes s弱读 leave v弱读The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall你紧握我的温热的手告诉我 无论发生什么你都不会放手Touch of连读 hand d弱读 if ever I连读You say it best when you say nothing at allSay it连读 best t省音 nothing at all连读All day long I can hear people talking out loudLong I 连读 talking out连读 out t省音But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowdBut t hold d 省音drown out连读 out t省音Old Mr. Webster could never defineWhat's being said between your heart and mineSaid d 省音 heart and连读 and d省音