The uphill road is slower than the downhill road. Moving forward is not blindly pursuing speed. If you want to have the freedom to master life, you should strive to obtain the ability to match it.
“即便是没有河 没有环岛 没有高速 也没有草坪 路也不是很宽,可依旧还是会擦肩而过”
Even if there is no river, no roundabout, no highway, no lawn, and the road is not very wide, it will still pass by.
You pull me to watch the rain. Ghosts travel at night in the heavy rain. We mix in and are happier than ghosts. Later, I pull you to live together and live a lot of people's lives. It's hard to write about romance.
An honest lifestyle is to act according to your body's will, eat when you are hungry, and don't lie when you love.
Clouds pour water into the cup of the river, but they hide themselves in the distant mountains.
“我把本不该属于我的甜蜜攥在手里 也分不清是不是掺杂着爱意”
I hold the sweetness that shouldn't belong to me, and I can't tell if it's mixed with love.
“干旱的沙漠 被你走过 来日放眼望去 成了一片绿洲 。”
The arid desert, passed by you, has become an oasis in the future.
Don't have to be who the world likes. The world likes you to be who you are.

In order to survive, people can fall in love with anything and anyone, and use it as an excuse to make the world worthwhile.
Whether high or low are very stable, or rich or poor are happy.