


Design is a quite interesting thing, no matter architectural design or interior design, that is creating space and shaping space. When we start a new project, we always start to work according to its functional requirements, such as restaurants, cafes, libraries and so on. Each space has its own characteristics. The restaurant is for eating, and the library offers reading place. In fact, these have reached the basic functions, but we do not think functional problems have been reasonably solved.

入口 entrance

入口踏步 entrance step

入口景观 entrance plant

入口艺术品 arts


Several days ago, I read an interview about Toyo Ito (Japanese architect/the Pritzker Architecture Prize Winner). One point of view that makes me believe that ‘function is meaningless’. This is a topic worth thinking about. Design becomes more and more complicated in nowadays, at the same time, they do not meet people’s advanced needs. Can I read books only in the library? But in fact, we can read in any comfortable place. Single function is worthless, and people need more compound space. Please try to imagine a place where you can drink afternoon tea, read, sell and even exhibit.

大厅通道 Dining space

屏风 screens

备餐柜细节 details

餐厅弧形洞口 curved opening of dining room

洞口细节 details

格栅窗 windows

艺术配饰 art decoration


Before designing Taikooli Store, we did not think about these issues. We just would like to create a beautiful dessert space. By constantly thinking about human nature, we gradually realized the appearance of Yuangu. Simply considering the dessert space is not the whole Yuangu. We Should give more consideration of spiritual needs. What dose Yuangu do? Sell dessert? Sell wine? Sell utensils? It seems inaccurate. Yuangu is a place to offer new lifestyle and sell life experience. After understanding these, functional requirements should be liberated. Life is diverse, so should Yuangu store.

景观座位 landscape seats

景观水池 landscape pond

户外庭院 outdoor yard

户外竹林 outdoor bamboo

石榴树景观 pomegranate tree

水池景观 pond landscape


From the entrance, we use a dramatic design, hiding your eyes by linen curtain. When you could not see the whole view, you will have curiosity. Passing through the narrow space, you will find the logo of Yuangu. The small sign looks old and rough. With the few steps of rusty blue stones, it suddenly becomes clear. The first comes to your eyes is Yuangu shop. Through the wood grille windows, there is a pond with flowing waves. Surrounded by green, which makes you feel like you are in a paradise. Outside the window, the bamboo shadows in the yard are whirling, the breeze is blowing, and the colourful leaves are scattered. It is really a sense of detachment from the world.

元古商店 Yuangu Shop

元古酒吧 Chinese style bar


When you are sitting in Yuangu Taikooli store, you cannot feel the existence of things. Everything goes as it should be. When you wander here, you will feel the tranquility of nature. Yuangu never defines space. You can take a nap under the sun, whisper to your friends near the pond, or pick up a favourite book. This is a specious space, but also a place to purify the soul. As long as you come in, everything will be fine.

平面图 plan

功能与空间关系 function and space

木结构 wood structure

材料 materials

完成 finished










General Information——

Project Name: YUANGU (Beijing Taikooli North )

Architecture Firm: YUANGU Corporation WUZHI Design

Firm Location: Beijing, CHINA

Completion Year: 2020.9

Gross Built Area: Indoor 187㎡; outdoor 37㎡

Project location: Taikooli N6-40, Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, Beijing, CHINA

Lead Architects: Shuang Zhao, Dongjie Ma, Yanan Zheng, Minjian Li

