





  • 发病年龄较早

  • 对侧乳腺癌比例较高

  • 基底样免疫抑制信使核糖核酸亚型比例较高

  • 同源重组缺陷突变亚型比例较高


  • 发病年龄较早

  • 同源重组缺陷突变亚型比例较高


  • BRCA1(7.4%)

  • RAD51D(2.8%)

  • BRCA2(2.2%)



  • RAD51D蛋白较不稳定

  • 同源重组缺陷突变亚型比例较高

  • 对PARP抑制剂较敏感


J Natl Cancer Inst. 2020 Nov 5. Online ahead of print.

Molecular features and functional implications of germline variants in triple-negative breast cancer.

Ma D, Chen SY, Ren JX, Pei YC, Jiang CW, Zhao S, Xiao Y, Xu XE, Liu GY, Hu X, Liang XZ, Yu KD, Li DQ, Jiang YZ, Shao ZM.

Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China; hanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China; Shanghai Cancer Center and Institutes of Biomedical Sciences, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

BACKGROUND: The germline variant spectrum of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is different from that of other subtypes and has demonstrated ethnic differences. However, the germline variants of TNBC among Chinese patients and its clinical significance remain unclear.

METHODS: Using our multi-omics TNBC cohort (n = 325), we determined the spectrum of germline variants in TNBC and aimed to illustrate their biological and clinical implications.

RESULTS: Overall, 16.0% (52 of 325) of TNBC patients harbored at least one pathogenic or likely pathogenic germline variant. These germline variants were associated with early-onset of TNBC, the occurrence of contralateral breast cancer, the basal-like immune-suppressed mRNA subtype, and the homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) mutation subtype. Somatic allele-specific imbalance was observed in 54.1% of these germline variants, which was correlated with early-onset of breast cancer and elevated HRD. BRCA1 (7.4%), RAD51D (2.8%) and BRCA2 (2.2%) were the genes most frequently mutated. RAD51D germline variants, especially K91fs, were enriched in Chinese patients with TNBC compared to Caucasian and African American patients. The Chinese-specific RAD51D germline variants were functionally associated with the instability of the RAD51D protein, HRD and sensitivity to PARP inhibitors.

CONCLUSIONS: Chinese TNBC patients have a distinct spectrum of germline variants, with a remarkable impact on the clinical and molecular characteristics of the tumor. Integrative germline-somatic analysis may help in identifying TNBC patients who are most likely to be affected by their germline variants and in performing clinical interventions more precisely. The RAD51D variants enriched in our cohort may serve as therapeutic targets and guide precision treatment of TNBC.

KEYWORDS: PARP inhibitor; RAD51D; Triple-negative breast cancer; germline variant; whole-exome sequencing

PMID: 33151324

DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djaa175

