depend-deepth: 国破山河在,城春草木“深”

【例句】It might sound very obvious, but how much you enjoy your trip will depend on your choice of travelling companion. 虽然这有点老生常谈,但你在旅游中享受乐趣的程度将取决于你所选择的旅伴。
【同根词】append; appendix; avoirdupois; compendium; compensate; compensation; counterpoise; depend; dispense; equipoise; expend; expense; expensive; hydroponics; impend; painter (n.2) "rope or chain that holds an anchor to a ship's side;" pansy; penchant; pend; pendant; pendentive; pending; pendular; pendulous; pendulum; pension; pensive; penthouse; perpendicular; peso; poise; ponder; ponderous; pound (n.1) "measure of weight;" prepend; prepense; preponderate; propensity; recompense; span (n.1) "distance between two objects;" span (n.2) "two animals driven together;" spangle; spanner; spider; spin; spindle; spinner; spinster; stipend; suspend; suspension.

【例句】For years she was dependent on drugs and alcohol and it was only in her fifties that she finally managed to overcome these addictions. 多年以来,她依赖毒品和酒精度日,直至五十多岁时才克服这些瘾痪。

【例句】These indications do not correspond to a diving depth, but refer to the pressure to which the overpressure water test has been done. 但这些数字不等于潜水深度,而是指进行过压防水试验的压力。
【同根词】deep。相关词deepen deeply depth dip dive donald knee-deep