






Social management

Keeping tabs

China’s “social credit” scheme uses cajolery and sanctions to make people behave

Just over a year ago, the eastern city of Suqian announced a plan to score the “trustworthiness” of every adult resident. Everyone would start with 1,000 points. They could get more for performing good deeds, such as voluntary work, giving blood, donating bone-marrow or being a model worker. Points would be deducted for bad behaviour such as defaulting on loans, late payment of utility bills, breaking the rules of the road or being convicted of a crime. Scores would be recalculated monthly and allow residents to be sorted into eight categories, from aaa (model citizen) to d (untrustworthy).

Suqian calls the system “Xichu Points”, after the ancient kingdom of Western Chu to which the area once belonged. It appears to be up and running. A government once in the city offers leaflets explaining how it works. Residents can look up their rating by entering their identity-card number into a mini-app running on WeChat, a popular instant-messaging programme. Their score is indicated by a virtual pointer on a dial that is coloured green at one extreme and red at the other. Scorers at the green end can receive rewards, such as a discount of up to 80 yuan ($12) a month on local-transport passes and admission to hospital without having to pay a deposit.



Social management 社会管理

Keeping tabs 监视

China’s “social credit” scheme uses cajolery and sanctions to make people behave


  • cajolery: n. 甜言蜜语;诱骗,这里指一些小的好处

Just over a year ago, the eastern city of Suqian announced a plan to score the “trustworthiness” of every adult resident. Everyone would start with 1,000 points. They could get more for performing good deeds, such as voluntary work, giving blood, donating bone-marrow or being a model worker. Points would be deducted for bad behaviour such as defaulting on loans, late payment of utility bills, breaking the rules of the road or being convicted of a crime. Scores would be recalculated monthly and allow residents to be sorted into eight categories, from aaa (model citizen) to d (untrustworthy).

  • good deeds: 善行,好事

  • donate bone-marrow: 捐献骨髓

  • model worker: 模范工人

  • default on:

拖欠、未出席 (fail to fulfill an obligation, especially to repay a loan or to appear in a court of law.), eg. some had defaulted on student loans. default比较普遍的意思是名词“拖欠”,default risk:拖欠风险,此外该词还有名词“默认”的意思,default setting: 默认设置;default user: 默认用户。《卫报》一篇介绍腾讯微信的文章中就说到,微信是全球华人的默认程序:

[卫报例句]:WeChat, which now has more than one billion users, is not only wildly popular within China, but its ease of use and the completeness of its services, which include payment and banking, make it the default social app for many Chinese speakers and immigrant communities across the globe. 微信目前拥有超过10亿的用户,不仅在中国广受欢迎,而且其易用性和包括支付和银行业务在内的服务的全面性,使其成为全球许多讲中文和华裔社区默认的社交应用程序。

  • utility bills: 物业账单、水电费


Suqian calls the system “Xichu Points”, after the ancient kingdom of Western Chu to which the area once belonged. It appears to be up and running. A government once in the city offers leaflets explaining how it works. Residents can look up their rating by entering their identity-card number into a mini-app running on WeChat, a popular instant-messaging programme. Their score is indicated by a virtual pointer on a dial that is coloured green at one extreme and red at the other. Scorers at the green end can receive rewards, such as a discount of up to 80 yuan ($12) a month on local-transport passes and admission to hospital without having to pay a deposit.

  • deposit:

存款、押金。在签署合服务同时,我们经常会看到一个短语 advance deposit: 定金;bank deposit:  银行存款。在托福或雅思考试阅读文章中,“deposit”经常以“沉淀物(the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating)”的意思出现,eg. abysmal deposit: 深海沉积物。


