雅思口语| 简洁地道的7.5分表达
1 get me wrong 误解我;误会我;冤枉我
Don't get me wrong, those are all great projects. 不要误解我的意思,这些都是伟大的项目。
2 you bet 当然;肯定地
"Are you going to go?" "you bet!" “你准备走吗?”“说的对!”
3 grab a bite 简单吃点东西
Listen, I was wondering about if you wanted to grab a late bite.那个,你想不想吃个宵夜?
Would you like to grab a bite to eat?你想抓紧时间去吃点东西吗?
4 mull over 认真琢磨
No, technically I have six, and I'm mullingover a gum purchase, so I think you should go.严格地说,我买了六瓶。我还在琢磨要不要买口香糖,所以你先吧。
He tried to mull things over in his mind. 他试图在他的脑海中思索事情。
McLaren had been mulling over an idea to make a film. 麦克拉伦一直在琢磨着要拍一部电影。
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