雅思口语| 来自美剧《纸牌屋》的高分表达7

1 carve out some room 腾出些位置
We have to carve out some room.But you'll have to fire some essential people who have been with us since the beginning. 我们必须腾出些位置,但这样就得裁掉些从一开始就跟着我们的老员工啊。
2 hold my tongue 不发表意见
You know, um, Claire, I have held my tongue about this whole international thing for a while.克莱尔,要知道一直以来我没对国际化的事发表意见
3 have plateaued 发展到了瓶颈
Because we've plateaued, Evelyn, and it is time for us, for our entire organisation...因为发展到了瓶颈,伊芙琳。这个机构,现在应当...
4 propose a plan to the Board 向董事会提出规划
This is the plan that I've proposed to the Board, and we are moving forward with it.这是我向董事会提出的规划.董事会也接受了.
5 put a lot of thought into it斟酌再三
I've put a lot of thought into it.这是斟酌再三的结果。
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