这个春节,新型冠状病毒肺炎来势汹汹,对我的老家造成了极大的影响。我是湖北人,有很多家人和朋友在武汉。幸运的是他们一切安好。父母本打算来英国看安可,现在也来不了了。去年提前定的去摩洛哥旅行的机票酒店,现在也得退掉。难得一起团聚旅行的机会,又少了一次。我们这算影响小的,很多餐馆、旅行社等中小企业遭受重创,想到这些中小企业背后的家庭,尤其是受到影响的小孩,心里可真不是滋味。还有一些家庭更难过,因为面临的是生死离别。只希望危机早点过去,家人可以团聚,企业可以重整旗鼓,受到重创的家庭可以重新振作。我在英国每天都看报纸和电视新闻关于新型冠状病毒的报道,总结了一些特别重要的词汇和安可聊了几次,今天也分享给大家,希望大朋友小朋友们,停课不停学。1.Co'ronavirus: Death toll rises as virus spreads to every Chinese regionBBC的新闻标题。这个标题里重点词非常多:death toll死亡人数;virus病毒;spread扩散;region地区
1)Infections have also spread to at least 15 other countries.2)The World Health Organization (WHO) will meet on Thursday to again consider whether the virus constitutes(构成) a global health emergency.
3)In the last few days the progress of the virus, especially in some countries, especially human-to-human transmission(传播)worries us.
4)Voluntary evacuations of hundreds of foreign nationals(国民) from Wuhan are under way to help people who want to leave the closed-off city and return to their countries.
5)The city has effectively been sealed off and China has put numerous(无数的)transport restrictions(交通管制) in place to curb(控制,control的同义词) the spread of the virus(病毒的传播).
6)I didn't know what to do when I woke up and learned about the lockdown. I don't know what it means?How long it will last and what kind of preparations I should make.7)Wuhan may not be a well-known Chinese mega-city(巨型城市,人口超过1000万的城市) like Beijing or Shanghai,but the place where the coronavirus outbreak emerged(出现) is, in fact, a crowded metropolis(大城市) with connections (联系)to every part of the globe.
8)There is also notable investment from France - which had a foreign concession(租界) in Hankou, in today's Wuhan, between 1886 and 1943.
The UK, Australia, South Korea, Singapore and New Zealand are expected to quarantine (隔离)all evacuees(撤离的人员someone who is evacuated from a dangerous place) for two weeks to monitor(监控) them for symptoms (症状)and avoid(避免) any contagion(传染).
Although questions have been raised about transparency(透明), the WHO has praised(赞扬) China's handling (处理)of the outbreak(疾病爆发).The central province(省) of Hubei(湖北), where nearly all deaths have occurred(发生), is in a state of lockdown(封城).
The virus is affecting(影响) China's economy(经济), the world's second-largest(世界第二大), with a growing number of countries advising(建议) their citizens(国民) to avoid(避免) all non-essential(非必要的)travel to the country.
A virus - previously unknown to science - is causing severe lung (肺)disease in China and has also been detected in other countries.
Personal hygiene(个人卫生) is important - I think I am washing my hands 20 to 30 times a day.