
在很多人眼中我是一个很勤奋的人。我做过 700 多天的晨读群,做过 24 个月的读书会,支教过日更过也瘦过。对我来说,做这些事情早就不需要什么坚持,没什么可骄傲的。如我在公号的介绍中所说:因为热爱,无需坚持。


健身卡续完费后只去洗了两次澡,上一次打开 Keep 已经是三个月前,就连一个简单的 jumping jack 也好久没做了。28 岁高龄的我开始近视,腰偶尔会痛,浑身酸软无力,油腻无比。我把自己不注意饮食和运动的借口归结于“没时间” “没办法”,我讨厌这样的自己。更讨厌这种讨厌自己的感觉。

你总会在某个时刻遇到某个人。上个月的今天和一位外国友人聊天,她向我推荐了一个叫“The Whole30”的饮食计划,并且推荐我读 It Starts with Food。我读了,也做到了,我也想把它们介绍给你。

我们常说“管住嘴,迈开腿”,“七分靠吃,三分靠运动”,说得也就是“starts with food”。我反思了一下自己,为了图方便,我的午餐和晚餐经常在公司旁边的兰州拉面馆解决,有时候晚上十一点多也会吃碗面,加几个羊肉串,用食物来舒缓压力。这样的吃法不健康,也常因为吃撑产生罪恶感。

It Starts with Food 的作者是一对夫妻。Dallas Hartwig 是位理疗师(physical therapist),爱好读科研文献。当他读到有文献表明饮食习惯可能会影响身体健康时,他参考 “Paleo diet” 做了一个多月的饮食实验,然后发现肩膀不痛了,还用同样的方法帮妹妹缓解了类风湿关节炎(Rheumatoid arthritis)。


I’d always had an unhealthy relationship with food. Food was my best friend and my worst enemy. It was punishment or reward, control or powerlessness. I went through stages of extreme dieting and extreme exercise. But after just thirty days on this new plan, my relationship with food was different. For the first time in my life, food made me feel good. (And not just the quick-and-dirty “good” that comes with the first few bites of ice cream, followed by a full day’s worth of guilt, shame, and anxiety. Wholesome good. Lasting good. Good good.)

Dallas 和 Melissa说,有些食物(比如谷类、豆制品和奶制品)会暗中损害你的身体健康,让你疲乏、疼痛、过敏,消化不良、皮肤变差等。The Whole30 像是一个“reset”按钮,在30天中,完全把这些特定的食物从日常饮食中剔除,把过去沉淀的垃圾做一次彻底的清除,恢复健康的新陈代谢。

The Whole30 中的 “whole” 表示 “whole food”,意思是“food which has not been unnecessarily processed or refined”,也就是“real food”,具体指的是:

Eat moderate portions of meat, seafood, and eggs; lots of vegetables; some fruit; plenty of natural fats; and herbs, spices, and seasonings. Eat foods with very few ingredients, all pronounceable ingredients, or better yet, no ingredients listed at all because they’re whole and unprocessed.


不吃:添加糖、酒类(料酒也不行)、谷物(例如米饭、玉米、淀粉)、豆类 (包括花生、酱油、豆腐)、乳制品(牛奶、酸奶、冰淇淋)、味精、面包和零食。具体不吃:饼、饼干、薯条、冰淇凌、披萨...


你可能会说:Eric,你被忽悠了!这个 The Whole30一看就不科学...

作者在书中说尽管 The Whole30实验是有理有据的,不过还是“Don't just take our word for it.” 诚实也好,狡猾也罢,我选择它主要是想用这个机制来约束自己。它的方法可能不够科学,但是比起我的暴饮暴食、饥不择食来说,是更好的选择。


关于 The Whole30 是什么和怎么做,官方网站上的说得很清楚,用不到十分钟即可通读。顺便可以从中学一些英文。我特别喜欢下面这段话(下面是选段,完整版请去官网阅读),鼓励那些想参与却又怕自己坚持不下去的人接受挑战:

Here comes the tough love. This is for those of you who are considering taking on this life-changing month, but aren’t sure you can actually pull it off, cheat free, for a full 30 days. This is for the people who have tried this before, but who “slipped” or “fell off the wagon” or “just HAD to eat (fill in food here) because of this (fill in event here).” This is for you.

  • This is not hard. Don’t you dare tell us this is hard. Fighting cancer is hard. Birthing a baby is hard. Losing a parent is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not. Hard. You’ve done harder things than this, and you have no excuse not to complete the program as written. It’s only thirty days, and it’s for the most important health cause on earth—the only physical body you will ever have in this lifetime.

  • You never, ever, ever have to eat anything you don’t want to eat. You’re all big boys and girls. Toughen up. Learn to say no, or make your mom proud and say, “No, thank you.” Learn to stick up for yourself. Just because it’s your sister’s birthday, or your best friend’s wedding, or your company picnic does not mean you have to eat anything. It’s always a choice, and we would hope that you stopped succumbing to peer pressure in 7th grade.

  • You can do this. You’ve come too far to back out now. You want to do this. You need to do this. And we know that you CAN do this. So stop thinking about it, and start doing. Right now, this very minute, tell someone that you are starting the Whole30.




决定尝试 The Whole30 后,我开始有意识地选择食物,注意食品包装上的说明,知道每一口下去意味着什么。The Whole30不是节食也不是自虐,虽然我暂时告别了最爱的乳制品和豆制品,但是我可以吃肉(我还吃了火锅),开始吃很多的蔬菜,吃一些水果和少量的坚果。食物在我的生活中变得多彩起来,我很开心。




· 从跑步指南到英语学习

· 做个“技术型”吃货,顺便了解下餐桌上的语言学

