Plagiarism in the UK is normally defined as an act of copying another person's ideas, words or writing and pretending that they are one's own work. It can involve violating copyright laws. College students who are caught plagiarizing can be expelled from school. It can permanently damage a student's reputation. Writers who plagiarize commit serious legal and ethical violations.
抄袭他人想法 copy another person's ideas
违反版权法 violating copyright laws
被学校开除 be expelled from school
损害名誉 damage a student's reputation
法律和道德违纪 legal and ethical violations
In 2010, the universities in the UK set some new benchmarks to combat the escalating problem of plagiarism at universities, and how it should be dealt with. It sets out a range of options for penalising students for offences in different categories, enabling disciplinary staff to add up a score for the severity of the offence and select an appropriate punishment.
For example, the punishment for a first-time offender failing to attribute one sentence would range from a formal warning to the assignment being rejected. At the other end of the scale, a final-year student with a past record of plagiarism who submits a dissertation from a ghostwriting service could be given a mark of zero, have their qualification downgraded or be expelled.
设定新标准 set some new benchmarks
设定选项 sets out a range of options
罪行的严重性 the severity of the offence
选择适当的惩罚 select an appropriate punishment
初犯 a first-time offender
正式警告 a formal warning
论文被打回 assignment being rejected
大四学生 final-year student
抄袭前科a past record of plagiarism
被判零分 be given a mark of zero
被降级 have their qualification downgraded
Plagiarism can have considerably adverse effects on the school, college or university itself. This is because if students plagiarise it therefore reflects very poorly ion the value of their degree. Thus, the academic reputation of the college or university is put into jeopardy.
This has the further knock on effect of damaging the universities brand on the global market which could prevent international students from enrolling.
相当不利的影响 have considerably adverse effects on
学位的含金量 the value of their degree
学术的声誉 academic reputation
置于危险之中 is put into jeopardy
进一步打击到…… has the further knock on
影响大学的品牌 damage the universities brand
In this regard, it is important also to note that plagiarism can affect a student’s peers also studying at the same institution. This is because it has the capacity to devalue each of their degrees which they have worked so assiduously to attain. From all angles then, plagiarism is something which must be avoided at all costs and at every opportunity. It is also important for students to recognise that the aftermath of engaging in plagiarism affect a huge range of people.
影响同龄学生 affect a student’s peers
使学位贬值 devalue degrees
不惜一切代价at all costs
在任何机会下at every opportunity
参与剽窃engaging in plagiarism
撰写学术论文 composing an academic essay
Although hard to believe, the act of an individual student plagiarising can even have a significantly adverse effect on the UK economy. This is because it devalues the degree held by students and therefore results in graduates not having the requisite skill sets needed to add value to the economy i.e. commercial awareness, problem solving and the capacity to think critically.
产生负面影响 have an adverse effect on
必备技能 the requisite skill
商业意识 commercial awareness
批判性思维 the capacity to think critically
Plagiarism can also negatively impact the value of the UK economy because private sector organisations may suffer from a skills shortage due to the limited range of attributes held by graduates who have plagiarised to attain their degree. It is worth pointing out that in this regard, students are really cheating themselves as they are unlikely to remain working for their dream company for very long if they do not have the skills necessary to succeed.
私营部门 private sector organisations
面临技能缺口 suffer from a skills shortage
获得学位 attain their degree
There are also legal consequences for students to consider if they are caught or found guilty of plagiarising the content of another author. This is because the student who plagiarises may possibly be in breach of copyright laws, specifically copyright infringement with regards to as student submitting data which is not their own. An author has the legal right to sue a plagiarist in court.
In the worst case, plagiarism can become a criminal offence and is legally enforceable however this is more relevant in the journalism and publishing/media industry.
法律后果legal consequences
抄袭其它作者的内容 plagiarising the content of another author
违反了版权法 be in breach of copyright laws
有权利 has the legal right
刑事犯罪 a criminal offence
出版/传媒行业 publishing/media industry