我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影, 已经坚持5个月了. 你想不想找一种不那么痛苦的方式提升自己的听力? 跟我一起每天听写电影吧!
He must’ve had on some really nice pants.
must’ve中的’ve我一点也听不到, 我感觉这部电影中黑人讲话时我听不到的比例明显比往常高, 说明我确实听黑人讲话还是比较少的.
注意这里的had on some nice pants其实是had some nice pants on把on放到前边了.
Chris说了这一句, 为什么大家都笑了呢? 因为他非常幽默, 绕开了自己没穿衬衫的问题, 而是开玩笑说: 那一定是穿了非常不一般的裤子, 所以才被雇佣
从第141篇开始, 我不再放出我自己听写的版本, 而是改为在答案上标记重难点, 大家特别注意一下我加粗的地方.
1 First in your class in school?
2 - High school? - Yes, sir.
3 - How many in the class? - Twelve.
4 It was a small town.
5 - I’ll say. - But I was also first in my radar class in the Navy, and that was a class of 20.
6 Can I say something?
7 I’m the type of person if you ask me a question, and I don’t know the answer I 'm gonna tell you that I don’t know.
8 But I bet you what.
9 I know how to find the answer, and I will find the answer.
10 Is that fair enough?
11 Chris. What would you say if a guy walked in for an interview without a shirt on and I hired him? What would you say?
12 He must’ve had on some really nice pants.