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The patient is usually elderly, may have a history of diabetes or rheumatoid disease, or may have been treated with corticosteroids. Occasionally acute rupture is seen in a young athlete. The typical injury is followed by tearing pain and giving way of the knee.
There is bruising and local tenderness; sometimes a gap can be felt proximal to the patella. Active knee extension is either impossible (suggesting a complete rupture) or weak (partial rupture). The diagnosis can be confirmed by MRI.
Partial tears
Non-operative treatment will suffice: a plaster cylinder is applied for 6 weeks, followed by physiotherapy that concentrates on restoring knee flexion and quadriceps strength.
Complete tears
Early operation is needed, or else the ruptured fibres will retract and repair will be more difficult. End-to-end suturing can be reinforced by turning down a partial-thickness triangular flap of quadriceps tendon proximal to the repair (Scuderi). If the tendon has been avulsed from the proximal pole of the patella, it should be re-attached to a trough created at that site using pull-through sutures. Postoperatively the knee is held in extension in hinged brace. Early supervised movement through the brace is important to prevent adhesions; limits to the amount of flexion can be controlled through the brace and increased as the repair heals over the next 12 weeks (Fig. 30.13).
'Chronic’ ruptures (usually the result of delayed presentations or missed diagnoses) are difficult to repair because the ends have retracted. The gap can often be made smaller by closing the medial and lateral ends, and the remaining central gap is then covered by a full-thickness V-flap turned down from the proximal quadriceps tendon (Codivilla). A pullout or cerclage wire protects the repair.
The results of acute repairs are good, with most patients regaining full power, a good range of movement and little or no extensor lag. Late repairs are less predictable.
---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》
rheumatoid /ˌruːmətɔɪd/adj. 类风湿病的
corticosteroids /,kɔ:tikəus'tirɔid/n. [生化] 皮质类固醇,类固醇;激素,皮质甾类
giving way of the knee膝关节畸形
concentrates on restoring knee flexion and quadriceps strength.集中精力恢复膝关节屈曲和股四头肌的力量。
a partial-thickness triangular flap of quadriceps tendon 股四头肌腱部分增厚的三角皮瓣
cerclage wire 环扎钢丝
cerclage /sə:'klædʒ/n. (折骨端)环扎术
lag. /læɡ/n. 落后;迟延;防护套;囚犯;桶板vt. 给......保温vi. 滞后;缓缓而行;蹒跚adj. 最后的