【CDS BMS】网络世界的动态权利:一个没有隐私的世界?

China Development Society


Briding Minds Symposium



With the rapid development in the tech industry, now we are relying more and more on smartphones to deal with daily affairs. They increase the convenience but at the same time, smartphones and some Apps are constantly collecting the user’s personal information. Obviously we cannot just stop using smartphones as they are rather useful. The key point then becomes how we can remain our privacy. How can the government outline policies to regulate those companies from those actions.




Power dynamics in the Dot-com world: a world without privacy?


August 20th, 20:00-21:30

(China Standard Time )

August 20th, 13:00-14:30

(British Summer Time)



- Briding Minds Symposium -



Professor Mark Ryan

Mark Ryan 教授是一位来自伯明翰大学的计算机科学教授。他同时也带领了伯明翰大学的安全与隐私的研究中心。他的研究方向十分广泛,例如:应用密码学与安全协议,云服务商的隐私与保密等。他目前的一个研究项目也与网络隐私紧紧相关联:用户控制的硬件安全锚。

HP Inc Professor in Computer Security, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham.

Leads the Centre for Security and Privacy at University of Birmingham:

-  Applied cryptography and security protocols

-  Analysis of security systems

-  Achieving confidentiality from cloud providers

-  Internet of things security

-  Privacy

-  Electronic voting

-  Security of machine learning

Current Projects:

-  Future TPM (H2020), which will design a quantum-resistant trusted platform module.

-  User-controlled Hardware Security Anchors: Evaluation and Designs, which is a part of RISE.

-  OpenHaven: and Open Hardware Authentication Token

Su Han

Su Han 是Privoce.com的创始人和CEO。Privoce.com是一个由真格基金支持的初创公司,旨在基于个人云计算提供私密化的社交产品。他本科就读于上海纽约大学,就读的专业是计算机科学与媒体交互艺术。他曾在多个国家进行过学习,例如布宜诺斯艾利斯与纽约。他研究生毕业于MIT,而他本次的主要演讲内容也会来自他的研究生论文:关于分散式网络的理论与实践。

Han is the founder and CEO of Privoce.com, a Web3.0 startup backed by ZhenFund that develops private social media products based on personal cloud computing. Han majored in computer science and Interactive Media Arts at NYU Shanghai, during which he studied away at different campus including Shanghai, Buenos Aires, New York and Abu Dhabi. Then he pursued a master’s degree at MIT and wrote his thesis on “Theory and Practice towards a Decentralized Internet”—where most materials in this talk are drawn from.

Jimin Oh

Jimin Oh 目前是 LSE Saw Swee Hock  东南亚研究中心的本科研究助理。

Undergraduate Research Assistant at Saw Swee Hock South East Asia Centre based at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

- Briding Minds Symposium -





- Briding Minds Symposium -

文案|王俞淇 Minnie

CDS Events

排版|董晨 Amy

