
ball 皮球 car 汽车 train 火车 doll 洋娃娃

what's this?   it's a ball.

one 一two 二three 三plane 飞机block 积木

what's this ? It's a plane.

carrot 胡萝卜potato 土豆 banana 香蕉apple 苹果

It's an apple. What's this?

candy 糖果cookie 曲奇饼four 四five 五

What's this? It's a cookie.

hat 帽子shoes 鞋子shirt 衬衣shorts短裤

What's this? It's a hat.

red 红色 blue 蓝色 yellow 黄色 green 绿色 rainbow 彩虹

What's this? It's my red car.

grandma 奶奶/外婆 grandpa 爷爷 外公 brother哥哥 弟弟 sister 姐姐 妹妹

who  is she? my grandma。

cat 猫 dog 狗 rabbit 免子 fish 鱼

Wow,a rabbit。 I like this rabbit。

sofa沙发 TV电视 chair椅子 table 桌子

Where is the TV? It's on the table.

watch TV 看电视 go shopping 购物 read 阅读 play a game 玩游戏

Let's play a game ! OKay。

hand 手 foot脚 arm 胳膊 leg 腿

How many hands do you have?

Ihave two hands.

head 头 knee 膝盖  run 跑步 walk 走路

Kwazii,let's walk. Okay.

mouth 嘴巴 nose 鼻子 ear耳朵 eye 眼睛

Nose。 Touch your nose.  Nose.

face 脸  hair 头发 brush hair。梳头

Brush my hair。

Brush my hair。刷牙 clean  teeth.洗脸

Clean your teeth,please.OKay

happy开心 sad难过  angry生气  tired 疲备。

ELLa are you Happy? I'm happy.

本周重点: happy 开心  sad 难过 angry 生气 tired 疲惫

tiger 老虎  lion狮子 elephant 大像 monkey猴子

Do you like that monkey? I like that monkey.

panda 熊猫 zebra 斑马 deer 梅花鹿 giraffe 长劲鹿

I like that zebra . Do you like that zebra?

sheep 绵羊 cow 奶牛 horse 马 pig 猪

What do you see? I see three sheep。

hen 母鸡 goose 鹅 chick 小鸡 duck 鸭子

What do you have? I have a goose。


