弘扬工匠精神 carry forward craftsmanship
Technical workers serve as an important foundation supporting made-in-China and created-in-China, and play a key role in high-quality economic growth.
四六级写译每日一词|“一带一路”倡议 The Belt and Road Initiative
写译每日一词|妇女权益 women's rights and interests
写译每日一词|国庆出行National Day travel
写译每日一词|家和万事兴 harmony in a family makes everything successful
写译每日一词|义务教育compulsory education
写译每日一词|尊师重教respect teachers and value education
写译每日一词|教育公平educational equality
写译每日一词|生活费引热议 Living costs spark debate
写译每日一词|文化和旅游消费 cultural and tourism consumption
写译每日一词|互联网普及率 the internet availability rate
写译每日一词|传统文化 traditional culture
写译每日一词|素质教育 well-rounded education
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