Health is the point
Health is the point
In one's life, what is the most important and basic element?
My answer is health!
Wiout health, life would be not life, it's only a state of languor and suffering,an image of death with pain, and it's the duty to keep the body healthy, otherwise, one would not be able to keep the mind strong and clear,so the activity will be wrong without good mind,without healthy body!
Without health, one can never enjoy the goodess and bueaty of everything around and every being around, they are all wonderful and worthful to be enjoyable!
Without health, one can never take any burden of what is happenning to one, one is not able to support any disadvantage and the bad, without health the body has no energy for handle with any problem mentally and phycially!
Wiouth health, the body is only the burden to oneself and to others around!
It's basic and clear to keep being healthy ,so the life is nice and the death will be a good end of life!