
#!/bin/bash #显示菜单(单选)display_menu(){local soft=$1local prompt="which ${soft} you'd select: "eval local arr=(\${${soft}_arr[@]})while truedo    echo -ne "#################### ${soft} setting ####################\n\n"    for ((i=1;i<=${#arr[@]};i++ )); do echo -e "$i) ${arr[$i-1]}"; done    echo    read -p "${prompt}" $soft    eval local select=\$$soft    if [ "$select" == "" ] || [ "${arr[$soft-1]}" == ""  ];then        prompt="input errors,please input a number: "    else        eval $soft=${arr[$soft-1]}        eval echo "your selection: \$$soft"                     break    fidone} #把带宽bit单位转换为人类可读单位bit_to_human_readable(){    #input bit value    local trafficValue=$1     if [[ ${trafficValue%.*} -gt 922 ]];then        #conv to Kb        trafficValue=`awk -v value=$trafficValue 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f",value/1024}'`        if [[ ${trafficValue%.*} -gt 922 ]];then            #conv to Mb            trafficValue=`awk -v value=$trafficValue 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f",value/1024}'`            echo -ne "${trafficValue}Mb \n"        else            echo -ne "${trafficValue}Kb \n"        fi    else        echo -ne "${trafficValue}b \n"    fi} #判断包管理工具check_package_manager(){    local manager=$1    local systemPackage=''    if cat /etc/issue | grep -q -E -i "ubuntu|debian";then        systemPackage='apt'    elif cat /etc/issue | grep -q -E -i "centos|red hat|redhat";then        systemPackage='yum'    elif cat /proc/version | grep -q -E -i "ubuntu|debian";then        systemPackage='apt'    elif cat /proc/version | grep -q -E -i "centos|red hat|redhat";then        systemPackage='yum'    else        echo -ne "unkonw \n"    fi     if [ "$manager" == "$systemPackage" ];then        return 0    else        return 1    fi   }  #实时流量realTimeTraffic(){    local eth=""    local nic_arr=(`ifconfig | grep -E -o "^[a-z0-9]+" | grep -v "lo" | uniq`)    local nicLen=${#nic_arr[@]}    if [[ $nicLen -eq 0 ]]; then        echo "sorry,I can not detect any network device,please report this issue to author."        exit 1    elif [[ $nicLen -eq 1 ]]; then        eth=$nic_arr    else        display_menu nic        eth=$nic    fi        local clear=true    local eth_in_peak=0    local eth_out_peak=0    local eth_in=0    local eth_out=0     while true;do        #移动光标到0:0位置        printf "\033[0;0H"        #清屏并打印Now Peak        [[ $clear == true ]] && printf "\033[2J" && echo "$eth--------Now--------Peak-----------"        traffic_be=(`awk -v eth=$eth -F'[: ]+' '{if ($0 ~eth){print $3,$11}}' /proc/net/dev`)        sleep 2        traffic_af=(`awk -v eth=$eth -F'[: ]+' '{if ($0 ~eth){print $3,$11}}' /proc/net/dev`)        #计算速率        eth_in=$(( (${traffic_af[0]}-${traffic_be[0]})*8/2 ))        eth_out=$(( (${traffic_af[1]}-${traffic_be[1]})*8/2 ))        #计算流量峰值        [[ $eth_in -gt $eth_in_peak ]] && eth_in_peak=$eth_in        [[ $eth_out -gt $eth_out_peak ]] && eth_out_peak=$eth_out        #移动光标到2:1        printf "\033[2;1H"        #清除当前行        printf "\033[K"           printf "%-20s %-20s\n" "Receive:  $(bit_to_human_readable $eth_in)" "$(bit_to_human_readable $eth_in_peak)"        #清除当前行        printf "\033[K"        printf "%-20s %-20s\n" "Transmit: $(bit_to_human_readable $eth_out)" "$(bit_to_human_readable $eth_out_peak)"        [[ $clear == true ]] && clear=false    done} #流量和连接概览trafficAndConnectionOverview(){    if ! which tcpdump > /dev/null;then        echo "tcpdump not found,going to install it."        if check_package_manager apt;then            apt-get -y install tcpdump        elif check_package_manager yum;then            yum -y install tcpdump        fi    fi     local reg=""    local eth=""    local nic_arr=(`ifconfig | grep -E -o "^[a-z0-9]+" | grep -v "lo" | uniq`)    local nicLen=${#nic_arr[@]}    if [[ $nicLen -eq 0 ]]; then        echo -e "sorry,I can not detect any network device,please report this issue to author. \n"        exit 1    elif [[ $nicLen -eq 1 ]]; then        eth=$nic_arr    else        display_menu nic        eth=$nic    fi     echo -ne "please wait for 10s to generate network data... \n"    echo    #当前流量值    local traffic_be=(`awk -v eth=$eth -F'[: ]+' '{if ($0 ~eth){print $3,$11}}' /proc/net/dev`)    #tcpdump监听网络    tcpdump -v -i $eth -tnn > /tmp/tcpdump_temp 2>&1 &    sleep 10    clear    kill `ps aux | grep tcpdump | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`    #10s后流量值    local traffic_af=(`awk -v eth=$eth -F'[: ]+' '{if ($0 ~eth){print $3,$11}}' /proc/net/dev`)    #打印10s平均速率    local eth_in=$(( (${traffic_af[0]}-${traffic_be[0]})*8/10 ))    local eth_out=$(( (${traffic_af[1]}-${traffic_be[1]})*8/10 ))    echo -ne "\033[32mnetwork device $eth average traffic in 10s: \033[0m \n"    echo -ne "$eth Receive: $(bit_to_human_readable $eth_in)/s \n"    echo -ne "$eth Transmit: $(bit_to_human_readable $eth_out)/s \n"    echo    local regTcpdump=$(ifconfig | grep -A 1 $eth | awk -F'[: ]+' '$0~/inet addr:/{printf $4"|"}' | sed -e 's/|$//' -e 's/^/(/' -e 's/$/)\\\\\.[0-9]+:/')      #新旧版本tcpdump输出格式不一样,分别处理    if awk '/^IP/{print;exit}' /tmp/tcpdump_temp | grep -q ")$";then        #处理tcpdump文件        awk '/^IP/{print;getline;print}' /tmp/tcpdump_temp > /tmp/tcpdump_temp2    else        #处理tcpdump文件        awk '/^IP/{print}' /tmp/tcpdump_temp > /tmp/tcpdump_temp2        sed -i -r 's#(.*: [0-9]+\))(.*)#\1\n    \2#' /tmp/tcpdump_temp2    fi        awk '{len=$NF;sub(/\)/,"",len);getline;print $0,len}' /tmp/tcpdump_temp2 > /tmp/tcpdump    #统计每个端口在10s内的平均流量    echo -ne "\033[32maverage traffic in 10s base on server port: \033[0m \n"    awk -F'[ .:]+' -v regTcpdump=$regTcpdump '{if ($0 ~ regTcpdump){line="clients > "$8"."$9"."$10"."$11":"$12}else{line=$2"."$3"."$4"."$5":"$6" > clients"};sum[line]+=$NF*8/10}END{for (line in sum){printf "%s %d\n",line,sum[line]}}' /tmp/tcpdump |     sort -k 4 -nr | head -n 10 | while read a b c d;do        echo -e "$a $b $c $(bit_to_human_readable $d)/s \n"    done    echo -ne "\033[11A \n"    echo -ne "\033[50C \n"    echo -ne "\033[32maverage traffic in 10s base on client port: \033[0m \n"    awk -F'[ .:]+' -v regTcpdump=$regTcpdump '{if ($0 ~ regTcpdump){line=$2"."$3"."$4"."$5":"$6" > server"}else{line="server > "$8"."$9"."$10"."$11":"$12};sum[line]+=$NF*8/10}END{for (line in sum){printf "%s %d\n",line,sum[line]}}' /tmp/tcpdump |     sort -k 4 -nr | head -n 10 | while read a b c d;do            echo -ne "\033[50C \n"            echo -ne "$a $b $c $(bit_to_human_readable $d)/s \n"    done               echo    #统计在10s内占用带宽最大的前10个ip    echo -ne "\033[32mtop 10 ip average traffic in 10s base on server: \033[0m \n"    awk -F'[ .:]+' -v regTcpdump=$regTcpdump '{if ($0 ~ regTcpdump){line=$2"."$3"."$4"."$5" > "$8"."$9"."$10"."$11":"$12}else{line=$2"."$3"."$4"."$5":"$6" > "$8"."$9"."$10"."$11};sum[line]+=$NF*8/10}END{for (line in sum){printf "%s %d\n",line,sum[line]}}' /tmp/tcpdump |     sort -k 4 -nr | head -n 10 | while read a b c d;do        echo -ne "$a $b $c $(bit_to_human_readable $d)/s \n"    done    echo -ne "\033[11A \n"    echo -ne "\033[50C \n"    echo -ne "\033[32mtop 10 ip average traffic in 10s base on client: \033[0m \n"    awk -F'[ .:]+' -v regTcpdump=$regTcpdump '{if ($0 ~ regTcpdump){line=$2"."$3"."$4"."$5":"$6" > "$8"."$9"."$10"."$11}else{line=$2"."$3"."$4"."$5" > "$8"."$9"."$10"."$11":"$12};sum[line]+=$NF*8/10}END{for (line in sum){printf "%s %d\n",line,sum[line]}}' /tmp/tcpdump |     sort -k 4 -nr | head -n 10 | while read a b c d;do        echo -ne "\033[50C \n"        echo -ne "$a $b $c $(bit_to_human_readable $d)/s \n"    done     echo    #统计连接状态    local regSS=$(ifconfig | grep -A 1 $eth | awk -F'[: ]+' '$0~/inet addr:/{printf $4"|"}' | sed -e 's/|$//')    ss -an | grep -v -E "LISTEN|UNCONN" | grep -E "$regSS" > /tmp/ss    echo -ne "\033[32mconnection state count: \033[0m \n"    awk 'NR>1{sum[$(NF-4)]+=1}END{for (state in sum){print state,sum[state]}}' /tmp/ss | sort -k 2 -nr    echo    #统计各端口连接状态    echo -ne "\033[32mconnection state count by port base on server: \033[0m \n"    awk 'NR>1{sum[$(NF-4),$(NF-1)]+=1}END{for (key in sum){split(key,subkey,SUBSEP);print subkey[1],subkey[2],sum[subkey[1],subkey[2]]}}' /tmp/ss | sort -k 3 -nr | head -n 10       echo -ne "\033[11A \n"    echo -ne "\033[50C \n"    echo -ne "\033[32mconnection state count by port base on client: \033[0m \n"    awk 'NR>1{sum[$(NF-4),$(NF)]+=1}END{for (key in sum){split(key,subkey,SUBSEP);print subkey[1],subkey[2],sum[subkey[1],subkey[2]]}}' /tmp/ss | sort -k 3 -nr | head -n 10 | awk '{print "\033[50C"$0}'       echo       #统计端口为80且状态为ESTAB连接数最多的前10个IP    echo -ne "\033[32mtop 10 ip ESTAB state count at port 80: \033[0m \n"    cat /tmp/ss | grep ESTAB | awk -F'[: ]+' '{sum[$(NF-2)]+=1}END{for (ip in sum){print ip,sum[ip]}}' | sort -k 2 -nr | head -n 10    #echo -e "############################# \n"    #统计端口为80且状态为SYN-RECV连接数最多的前10个IP    echo -ne "\033[32mtop 10 ip SYN-RECV state count at port 80: \033[0m \n"    cat /tmp/ss | grep -E "$regSS" | grep SYN-RECV | awk -F'[: ]+' '{sum[$(NF-2)]+=1}END{for (ip in sum){print ip,sum[ip]}}' | sort -k 2 -nr | head -n 10} main(){    while true; do        echo -ne "1) real time traffic.\n2) traffic and connection overview.\n"        read -p "please input your select(ie 1): " select        case  $select in            1) realTimeTraffic;break;;            2) trafficAndConnectionOverview;break;;            *) echo "input error,please input a number.";;        esac    done   } main
