8月和我一起读Bill Bryson,学美语历史
8 月英文原版书阅读主题是历史,我选了这本 Bill Bryson 的 Made in America:
1. 了解语言发展历史,顺便学英语
学习一门语言一定要学它的文化。Made in America 从美语演变出发讲历史背景,如果你对语言和历史感兴趣,这本书是不错的选择,有历史也有小故事,比我们当年在英专课上学的东西有趣多了。
2. 学英语,读读 Bill Bryson
作者 Bill Bryson 极其高产。他出版过多本游记和语言科普书籍,也出过英语写作指南。他擅长讲故事,用词精准幽默有趣但读起来并不费力,颇有《经济学人》的味道。随便摘几句感受一下:
- It is dearly unlikely that the phrase went into a linguistic coma for four centuries.
- It would be difficult to imagine a group of people more ill-suited to a life in the wilderness. They packed as if they had misunderstood the purpose of the trip.
- Few issues in America have soaked up more ink and excited more passion in recent years than the debate over education standards.
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