


help graph


graph twoway            scatterplots, line plots, etc.

graph matrix            scatterplot matrices

graph bar               bar charts

graph dot               dot charts

graph box               box-and-whisker plots

graph pie               pie charts

other                   more commands to draw statistical graphs

而对于常见的graph  twoway 命令,则可以延伸出来很多图形,包括散点图、折线图、饼图等。


[graph] twoway plot [if] [in] [, twoway_options]

where the syntax of plot is

[(] plottype varlist ..., options [)] [||]


scatter               scatterplot

line                  line plot

connected             connected-line plot

scatteri              scatter with immediate arguments

area                  line plot with shading

bar                   bar plot

spike                 spike plot

dropline              dropline plot

dot                   dot plot

rarea                 range plot with area shading

rbar                  range plot with bars

rspike                range plot with spikes

rcap                  range plot with capped spikes

rcapsym               range plot with spikes capped with symbols

rscatter              range plot with markers

rline                 range plot with lines

rconnected            range plot with lines and markers

pcspike               paired-coordinate plot with spikes

pccapsym              paired-coordinate plot with spikes capped with symbols

pcarrow               paired-coordinate plot with arrows

pcbarrow              paired-coordinate plot with arrows having two heads

pcscatter             paired-coordinate plot with markers

pci                   pcspike with immediate arguments

pcarrowi              pcarrow with immediate arguments

tsline                time-series plot

tsrline               time-series range plot

contour               contour plot with filled areas

contourline           contour lines plot

mband                 median-band line plot

mspline               spline line plot

lowess                LOWESS line plot

lfit                  linear prediction plot

qfit                  quadratic prediction plot

fpfit                 fractional polynomial plot

lfitci                linear prediction plot with CIs

qfitci                quadratic prediction plot with CIs

fpfitci               fractional polynomial plot with CIs

function              line plot of function

histogram             histogram plot

kdensity              kernel density plot

lpoly                 local polynomial smooth plot

lpolyci               local polynomial smooth plot with CIs


Graphics > Twoway graph (scatter, line, etc.)

twoway is a family of plots, all of which fit on numeric y and x scales.

Twoway graphs show the relationship between numeric data.  Say that we have data on life expectancy in the United States   between 1900 and 1940:

sysuse uslifeexp2

. list in 1/8



twoway scatter le year

twoway line le year

twoway connected le year

twoway (scatter le year) (lfit le year)



The graph above was produced using the economist scheme, which has with a look similar to that used by The Economist magazine.


