政观快递 | British Journal of Political Science, No.1, 2020(下)
期刊简介:《英国政治学杂志》(British Journal of Political Science,BJPS)是一本内容广泛的杂志,涵盖了政治科学的所有领域(包括政治理论、政治行为、公共政策和国际关系),并且相关学科(社会学、社会理学、经济学和哲学)学者的文章也经常出现。根据2018年Journal Citation Report显示,其2018年的影响因子为4.292, 在176种政治科学类期刊中排名第4(4/176)。
9. 微妙的问责制:南部非洲国家选民对服务提供的反应
Nuanced Accountability: Voter Responses to Service Delivery in Southern Africa
10. 非洲的族群多样性、族群分离和族群中心主义式的信任
Ethnic Diversity, Segregation and Ethnocentric Trust in Africa
11. 政治极化时代中的价值观和政治倾向:考察美国的党派偏见与意识形态之间的关系(1988-2012)
Values and Political Predispositions in the Age of Polarization: Examining the Relationship between Partisanship and Ideology in the United States, 1988–2012
12. 多党制民主国家中的联盟博弈期
Coalition Bargaining Duration in Multiparty Democracies
13. 该谁上报纸?政党竞选信息与媒体
Who Gets into the Papers? Party Campaign Messages and the Media
14. 超越风险率:从考克斯比例风险模型中生成预期的持续时间
Beyond the Hazard Ratio: Generating Expected Durations from the Cox Proportional Hazards Model
15. 地方种族多样性对以群体为中心的犯罪态度的影响
The Influence of Local Ethnic Diversity on Group-Centric Crime Attitudes
16. 接触暴力如何影响种族投票
How Exposure to Violence Affects Ethnic Voting
17. 责任分担:收入、不平等与战斗意愿
Burden Sharing: Income, Inequality and Willingness to Fight
题目:Nuanced Accountability: Voter Responses to Service Delivery in Southern Africa
作者:Daniel de Kadt,加州大学默塞德分校政治学系助理教授;Even S. Lieberman,麻省理工学院政治学系教授
Various theories of democratic governance posit that citizens should vote for incumbent politicians when they provide good service, and vote for the opposition when service delivery is poor. But does electoral accountability work as theorized, especially in developing country contexts? Studying Southern African democracies, where infrastructural investment in basic services has expanded widely but not universally, we contribute a new empirical answer to this question. Analyzing the relationship between service provision and voting, we find a surprising negative relationship: improvements in service provision predict decreases in support for dominant party incumbents. Though stronger in areas where opposition parties control local government, the negative relationship persists even in those areas where local government is run by the nationally dominant party. Survey data provide suggestive evidence that citizen concerns about corruption and ratcheting preferences for service delivery may be driving citizen attitudes and behaviors. Voters may thus be responsive to service delivery, but perhaps in ways that are more nuanced than extant theories previously recognized.
题目:Ethnic Diversity, Segregation and Ethnocentric Trust in Africa
作者:Amanda Lea Robinson,俄亥俄州立大学大学政治学系副教授
Ethnic diversity is generally associated with less social capital and lower levels of trust. However, most empirical evidence for this relationship is focused on generalized trust, rather than more theoretically appropriate measures of group-based trust. This article evaluates the relationship between ethnic diversity – at the national, regional and local levels – and the degree to which coethnics are trusted more than non-coethnics, a value referred to here as the ‘coethnic trust premium’. Using public opinion data from sixteen African countries, this study finds that citizens of ethnically diverse states express, on average, more ethnocentric trust. However, within countries, regional ethnic diversity is associated with less ethnocentric trust. This same negative pattern between diversity and ethnocentric trust appears across districts and enumeration areas within Malawi. The article then shows, consistent with these patterns, that diversity is only detrimental to intergroup trust at the national level when ethnic groups are spatially segregated. These results highlight the importance of the spatial distribution of ethnic groups on intergroup relations, and question the utility of micro-level studies of interethnic interactions for understanding macro-level group dynamics.
题目:Values and Political Predispositions in the Age of Polarization: Examining the Relationship between Partisanship and Ideology in the United States, 1988–2012
作者:Robert Lupton, 康涅狄格大学政治学系助理教授;Steven Smallpage, 史丹森大学政治学系助理教授;Adam Enders,路易斯维尔大学政治学系助理教授
The correlation between ideology and partisanship in the mass public has increased in recent decades amid a climate of persistent and growing elite polarization. Given that core values shape subsequent political predispositions, as well as the demonstrated asymmetry of elite polarization, this article hypothesizes that egalitarianism and moral traditionalism moderate the relationship between ideology and partisanship in that the latter relationship will have increased over time only among individuals who maintain conservative value orientations. An analysis of pooled American National Election Studies surveys from 1988 to 2012 supports this hypothesis. The results enhance scholarly understanding of the role of core values in shaping mass belief systems and testify to the asymmetric nature and mass public reception of elite cues among liberals and conservatives.
题目:Coalition Bargaining Duration in Multiparty Democracies
作者:Alejandro Ecker,曼海姆欧洲社会研究中心研究员;Thomas M. Meyer,维也纳大学政治学系助理教授
Why do some government formation periods end after a few days, while others last for several weeks or even months? Despite the rich literature on government formation, surprisingly little is known about the underlying bargaining processes. This article introduces a new dataset on 303 bargaining attempts in nineteen European democracies to analyse the duration of individual bargaining rounds. The study hypothesizes that (1) preference tangentiality, (2) ideological proximity, (3) incumbency and (4) party leadership tenure decrease the duration of coalition bargaining. Employing a copula approach to account for the non-random selection process of the observations, it shows that these actor-specific factors matter in addition to systemic context factors such as post-election bargaining and party system complexity. These findings highlight the need to consider both actor-specific and systemic factors of the bargaining context to explain government formation.
题目:Who Gets into the Papers? Party Campaign Messages and the Media
作者:Thomas M. Meyer,维也纳大学政府学系教授;Martin Haselmayer,维也纳大学政府学系博士后;Markus Wagner,维也纳大学政府学系教授
Parties and politicians want their messages to generate media coverage and thereby reach voters. This article examines how attributes related to content and sender affect whether party messages are likely to get media attention. Based on content analyses of 1,613 party press releases and 6,512 media reports in a parliamentary, multiparty context, we suggest that party messages are more likely to make it into the news if they address concerns that are already important to the media or other parties. Discussing these issues may particularly help opposition parties and lower-profile politicians get media attention. These results confirm the importance of agenda setting and gatekeeping, shed light on the potential success of party strategies, and have implications for political fairness and representation.
题目:Beyond the Hazard Ratio: Generating Expected Durations from the Cox Proportional Hazards Model
作者:Jonathan Kropko, 弗吉尼亚大学政治系助理教授, Jeffrey Harden,圣母大学政治学系助理教授。
The Cox proportional hazards model is a commonly used method for duration analysis in political science. Typical quantities of interest used to communicate results come from the hazard function (for example, hazard ratios or percentage changes in the hazard rate). These quantities are substantively vague, difficult for many audiences to understand and incongruent with researchers’ substantive focus on duration. We propose methods for computing expected durations and marginal changes in duration for a specified change in a covariate from the Cox model. These duration-based quantities closely match researchers’ theoretical interests and are easily understood by most readers. We demonstrate the substantive improvements in interpretation of Cox model results afforded by the methods with reanalyses of articles from three subfields of political science.
题目:The Influence of Local Ethnic Diversity on Group-Centric Crime Attitudes
作者:Frederik Hjorth,哥本哈根大学政治学系助理教授
Several studies provide evidence of group-centric policy attitudes, that is, citizens evaluating policies based on linkages with visible social groups. The existing literature generally points to the role of media imagery, rhetoric and prominent political sponsors in driving group-centric attitudes. This article theorizes and tests an alternative source: exposure to rising local ethnic diversity. Focusing on the issue of crime, it first develops a theoretical account of how casual observation in the local context can give rise to ethnic stereotypes. Then, using two large, nationally representative datasets on citizen group and policy attitudes linked with registry data on local ethnic diversity, each spanning 20 years, it shows that crime attitudes become more strongly linked with immigration attitudes as local ethnic diversity rises. The results suggest that the typically emphasized ‘top-down’ influence on group-centric attitudes by elite actors is complemented by ‘bottom-up’ local processes of experiential learning about group–policy linkages.
题目:How Exposure to Violence Affects Ethnic Voting
作者:Dino Hadzic, 圣路易斯华盛顿大学政治学系博士;David Carlson,圣路易斯华盛顿大学政治学系博士;Margit Tavits,圣路易斯华盛顿大学政治学系教授
How does wartime exposure to ethnic violence affect the political preferences of ordinary citizens? Are high-violence communities more or less likely to reject the politicization of ethnicity post-war? We argue that community-level experience with wartime violence solidifies ethnic identities, fosters intra-ethnic cohesion and increases distrust toward non-co-ethnics, thereby making ethnic parties the most attractive channels of representation and contributing to the politicization of ethnicity. Employing data on wartime casualties at the community level and pre- as well as post-war election results in Bosnia, we find strong support for this argument. The findings hold across a number of robustness checks. Using post-war survey data, we also provide evidence that offers suggestive support for the proposed causal mechanism.
题目:Burden Sharing: Income, Inequality and Willingness to Fight
作者: Christopher J. Anderson,华威大学经济与政治与国际研究系教授;Anna Getmansky,埃塞克斯大学政府学系助理教授;Sivan Hirsch-Hoefler,劳德政府、外交和战略学院高级讲师
What explains citizens’ willingness to fight for their country in times of war? Using six waves of the World Values Survey, this study finds that individual willingness to fight is negatively related with country-level income inequality. When income inequality is high, the rich are less willing to fight than the poor. When inequality is low, the poor and rich differ little in their willingness to fight. This change in the willingness to fight between low and high inequality countries is greater among the rich than among the poor. This article explores several explanations for these findings. The data are consistent with the argument that high inequality makes it more attractive for the rich to buy themselves out of military service.
编译/审校:康张城、施榕、吴温泉、杨端程、殷昊、赵德昊 编辑:郭静远