Methods Mol Biol.|一种稳定转化水稻种子的快速方法
PMID: 33471324 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1068-8_4
Plant transformation technology offers ample opportunities for basic scientific and translational research. Several Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation protocols are available, for transforming rice, through callus initiation and regeneration. The regularly used transformation procedures require time and skilled labor and are limited by the regeneration capabilities of the tissue. Here we describe a simple, robust and tissue culture-independent method for transformation of rice seeds using pCAMBIA-amiR820 as model construct. Plants obtained from the transformed seeds were selected on antibiotic media and tested for transgene integration and expression by molecular techniques. The transgenic seedlings thus produced include a mix of stable transformants and chimeras; however the first generation seeds contained stably integrated transgene.
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