Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ” Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ” Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ” Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ” Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ” Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Today, with the development of technology, most people choose to deliver message by smart phone, and less people will write letters. As a result, some people start to miss the old way of receiving message, they think it is much meaningful. My grandma collected the letter she received. She kept them in a big box. These letters were her great treasure. I was very curious and asked her which letter she impressed the most. She told me the letter my grandpa wrote to her for the first time. She read from the words that my grandpa was very nervous and she was happy to got the letter. These letters recorded a young couple's story, which was such a romantic story. The life pace is so fast nowadays that people don't have the time to enjoy writing a letter. ” 1Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Today, with the development of technology, most people choose to deliver message by smart phone, and less people will write letters. As a result, some people start to miss the old way of receiving message, they think it is much meaningful. My grandma collected the letter she received. She kept them in a big box. These letters were her great treasure. I was very curious and asked her which letter she impressed the most. She told me the letter my grandpa wrote to her for the first time. She read from the words that my grandpa was very nervous and she was happy to got the letter. These letters recorded a young couple's story, which was such a romantic story. The life pace is so fast nowadays that people don't have the time to enjoy writing a letter. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them. ”
近日,华为荣耀霸道总裁赵明正式对外公布了其下一款旗舰新机荣耀Magic 2的外观和部分配置信息。对于这款手机最大的亮点就是其采用了采用了滑盖的机械式结构设计,将顶部额头处的摄像头等元器件巧妙的设计在了滑盖上,从而实现了真正全面屏,可以让消费者在日常使用体验中可以获得极为震撼的体验。
但是,面对华为的这一个“超级彩蛋”,魅族的救世主黄章就不干了,对于这款拥有超高的屏占比的荣耀Magic 2,更是各种看衰。他表示,滑盖是“穷途末路”的倒退设计,并且还会影响手机的拍照性能,就是“中看不中 用”的营销噱头,言下之意,荣耀Magic 2就是一个非常LOW的设计。
其实在小编看来,这款荣耀新旗舰,几乎可以说做到了100%屏占比,怎么能说是倒退的设计呢?并且魅族16在屏占比方面,确实远远不如荣耀Magic 2。不管怎么说,华为荣耀和魅族都是比较出色的国产守护及,小编觉得,打造出真正让消费者实惠的产品,或许才是首要任务吧,你觉得?对于荣耀Magic和魅族16这两款出色的国产旗舰机,你觉得那款手机更让你惊艳呢?欢迎在评论留言讨论!