人生十有八九不如意,精益求精的人不惧风险,不畏曲折,但往往费时费力,得不偿失,所以有的时候换个角度或方法,常常能柳暗花明,也就是该妥协的时候要妥协,能折中的偶尔折中一下,那么”折中或妥协“用英语怎么表达呢?“折中或妥协”用英语表达是“halfway house”,它还可以译为它的字面意思“中途之家(为出狱者及离院病人而设)”,例如:We stayed halfway house before arriving here.我们到达这里之前在中途停留。Frank has gone into a halfway house after 27 years in prison.弗兰克入狱27年后,进了一家收容所。The social workers are looking for some kind of halfway house for the mentally ill patients after the closure of their current facility was announced.在宣布关闭精神病患者的现有设施后,社会工作者们正在为他们寻找某种中途安置所。The journey was going to take 12 hours, so they booked a halfway house to break the journey.这次旅行要花12个小时,所以他们订了一个中途休息的地方。The negotiations were suspended, and we all knew that we had only reached a halfway house on this very difficult subject.谈判中止了,我们都知道,在这个非常困难的问题上,我们只达成了一个折衷方案。计划赶不上变化,坚持不一定会成功,妥协不意味着认输,它是通往成功的一种灵活变通的态度。