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High-flow nasal oxygen vs. standard flow-rate facemask pre-oxygenation in pregnant patients: a randomised physiological study
方 法
结 果
3分钟潮气量呼吸时,高流量鼻氧和标准流量面罩预充氧的估计边际平均值分别为87.4%(95%ci 85.5-89.2%)和91.0%(95%ci 89.3-92.7%),p=0.02;有8次肺活量呼吸时,估计的边缘平均值分别为85.9%(95%ci 84.1-87.7%)和91.8%(95%ci 90.1-93.4%,p<0.0001)。此外,与标准流量面罩相比,高流量鼻氧不能可靠地达到平均潮气末氧浓度≥90%。
结 论
W. Shippam, R. Preston, J. Douglas et,al.High-flow nasal oxygen vs. standard flow-rate facemask pre-oxygenation in pregnant patients: a randomised physiological study[J]Anaesthesia 2019 Apr;74(4) DOI:10.1111/anae.14567
High-flow nasal oxygen has been shown to provide effective pre-oxygenation and prolong apnoeic time during intubation attempts in non-pregnant patients. We aimed to compare pre-oxygenation using high-flow nasal oxygen (30–70 l.min1 oxygen flow) via nasal prongs with standard 15 l.min1 oxygen breathing via a tight-fitting facemask. Forty healthy parturients were randomly allocated to these two groups, and furthermore each patient underwent the selected pre-oxygenation method with both 3-min tidal volume breathing and 30s tidal breathing followed by eight vital capacity breaths. With 3-min tidal volume breathing, the respective estimated marginal means for high-flow nasal oxygen and standard flow rate facemask pre-oxygenation were 87.4% (95%CI 85.5–89.2%) and 91.0% (95%CI 89.3–92.7%), p = 0.02; with eight vital capacity breaths the estimated marginal means were 85.9% (95%CI 84.1–87.7%) and 91.8% (95%CI 90.1–93.4%, p < 0.0001). Furthermore,high-flow nasal oxygen did not reliably achieve a mean end-tidal oxygen concentration ≥ 90% compared with the standard flow rate facemask. In this physiological study, high-flow nasal oxygen pre-oxygenation performed worse than standard flow rate facemask pre-oxygenation in healthy term parturients.

翻译:牛振瑛 编辑:何幼芹 审校:王贵龙