历年真题 | 湖北大学904学科英语真题分享(2016-2018年)
1. Please explain the five components of communicative competence discussed by Hedge(2000).
2. What is your understanding of the macro-planning of a lesson plan?
3. Can you write down at least ten of the various roles the teacher plays in the language classroom?
4. What are the frequently used test formats in assessment?
5. What do you think are the features of good textbooks?
6. Please make a distinction between two different processes of listening the bottom-up model and the top-down model.
7. A language teacher should learn and internalize some theories in order to teach more effectively. Please expound on these theories and explain they inform language teaching.
8.Task-based language teaching is based on many theories. Please explain in detail these theories and their relation to task-based language teaching.
1.which of the following activities are communicative ones according to Littlewood?
1)reading aloud
2)memorizing new words by oral repetition
3)discovering missing information
4)pooling information to solve problem
5)role-playing through cues and information
6)following direction
7) role-playing through debate and discussion
2.The components of lesson plan.
3.Why should shift focus from teaching to learning.
4.The relationship between language and culture.
5.The suggestions for textbook adapting.
6.The principles of teaching reading.
7.Deductive method of grammar and its drawback?
8.What makes listening difficult? And how to overcome it?
9.Learning motivation and promotion of it.
10.Problems in language teaching in China and solutions
1. Choose reading skills from the following list and put ticks in the blanks.
➢Making inferences.
➢Recognizing the organization of the text.
➢Understanding relationship between sentences.
➢Distinguishing the main idea from supporting details
➢Understanding the explicitly stated information.
➢Paying attention to sentence stress and intonation.
➢Reading only authentic materials.
2. Identify the curriculum processes of foreign language teaching in the following list and put ticks in the blanks.
➢Learmer training;
➢Needs analysis;
➢Curriculum design;
➢Material development;
➢Classroom instruction;
➢Course evaluation.
3.Please make a distinction between a process approach to writing and a product approach to writing.
4.If you teach listening, what principles do you follow in order to upgrade students’ listening skill? Explain your points with examples.
5.How to achieve efficient classroom management? Explain your points with examples.
6. What does autonomous learning consist of in foreign language learning? Can you make some suggestions of promoting autonomous learning for learners of English in China?
7. What are L2 learning strategies? What learning strategies do you use to help you learn English vocabulary and how do you use them?
8. Please make comments on the following two assessment principles proposed by Law and Eckes(1995) in terms of their advantages,disadvantages and practicality.
1)Assessing authentic use of language in reading, writing, speaking, and listening;
2)Clarify and use standards when assessing reading, writing, and content knowledge.
9. The following are Tomlinson's criteria of a good textbook. Please explain them with examples.
1)Good textbooks should attract the students' curiosity, interest and attention.
2)Textbooks should meet students' needs.
10. What is discipline?Give your opinions about discipline in the language classroom.