TheCrop Journal|贵州大学农学院方中明教授揭示 OsNPF5.16对水稻生长和产量具有重要作用

水稻含有大量的硝酸盐或肽转运蛋白家族(NPF)基因,但其中大多数成员对水稻生长发育的影响尚不清楚。我们报道了硝酸盐转运蛋白基因 OsNPF5.16,该基因启动子序列具有自然变异,对水稻的生长和产量至关重要。启动子序列在籼粳品种间存在不同程度的差异,在株重较高、分蘖较多的籼稻品种中表达较高。OsNPF5.16在根、分蘖基部和叶鞘中高表达,其蛋白定位于质膜上。在经 crna 注射的非洲爪蟾卵母细胞中,OsNPF5.16在高硝酸盐浓度下的转运依赖于 ph 的过表达增加了水稻叶鞘的硝酸盐含量和总氮含量,以及生物量和分蘖芽长。提高 OsNPF5.16的表达通过调节细胞分裂素水平增加水稻分蘖数和产量。而对 OsNPF5.16表达的抑制作用则相反。调控 OsNPF5.16的表达对提高水稻籽粒产量具有潜在的作用。
Rice has a large number of nitrate or peptide transporter family (NPF) genes, but the effects of most members on rice growth and development are unknown. We report that OsNPF5.16, a nitrate transporter gene with natural variation in its promoter sequence, is essential for rice growth and yield. The promoter sequence showed various differences between indica and japonica cultivars, and higher expression of OsNPF5.16 was found in indica cultivars with higher plant weight and more tillers than japonica cultivars. OsNPF5.16 was highly expressed in roots, tiller basal parts, and leaf sheath, and its protein was localized on the plasma membrane. In cRNA-injected Xenopus laevis oocytes, OsNPF5.16 transport of nitrate at high nitrate concentration depended on pH. Overexpression of OsNPF5.16 increased nitrate content and total nitrogen content in leaf sheath as well as biomass and tiller bud length in rice. Elevated expression of OsNPF5.16 increased rice tiller number and grain yield by regulating cytokinin levels. Inhibition of OsNPF5.16 expression showed the opposite effects. Regulating OsNPF5.16 expression has potential for improving rice grain yield.
