『雕塑头条』崔召东 SoDong Choe丨2018中国·铜川“玄奘之路”国际雕塑创作营入选艺术家
高蒙(特邀,中国)、坦尼亚Tanya Preminger(特邀,以色列)、林胜煌(特邀,旅居日本的华人雕塑家)、田中Hitoshi Tanaka(日本)、皮特Petre Petrov(保加利亚)、卡门Kamen Tanev(保加利亚)、尤里Yury Tkachenko(俄罗斯)、瓦力里Valerian Jikia(格鲁吉亚)、崔召东SoDong Choe(韩国)、金元根Kim Wongeun(韩国)、尤金Eugen Petri(罗马尼亚)、乔治Djordje Cpalak(塞尔维亚)、乃丁Nedim Hadziahmetovic(塞尔维亚)、阿依汗Ayhan Kayapinr(土耳其)、迦南Canan Zöngür(土耳其)、米格尔Miguel Isla(西班牙)、艾斯马勒Esmaeil Sahandiyan(伊朗)、蓝之峰(中国)、邓善琪(中国台湾)、蒋楚(中国)
Work Explain
Humans must coexist with nature. If we do not respect nature, mankind will be threatened to survive. I intend to tell the work the infinite hope of human civilization in nature. The prototype of the basic cell of life is structurally listed and composed. It expresses the eternity of our humanity that will neverend. In contrast to the color of the stone, it expresses the color composition and the eternity and hope of mankind.
其 他 作 品
获奖:1994 第一届OITA亚洲雕塑公开赛,特等奖;1997年 韩国环境雕塑大奖赛,理事奖;2009 第五届中国(惠安)石雕大赛,二等奖 ;2012 第二届芜湖“刘开渠奖”国际雕塑大展,银奖;2013 中国台湾丽宝国际雕塑双年奖,优选奖;2015 第七届德黑兰年度国际雕塑创作营,一等奖;2016 第三届中国台湾丽宝国际雕塑双年奖,优选奖。
个展:1994 第一次个展,朝鲜画廊,韩国首尔;第二次个展 Owon画廊,韩国大田;2004 第三次个展, Owon画廊,韩国;第四次个展,Young画廊,韩国大田。
参展与创作营:1985 忠清南道艺术竞赛并获奖;1986 第23届莫宇艺术协会特别选拔赛,韩国国家现代博物馆;1986 第23届莫宇艺术协会大赛并获奖,韩国国家现代博物馆;1989 第26届莫宇艺术协会特别选拔赛,韩国国家现代博物馆;1989 大田户外雕塑展;……2010 遇见Boryong黑石-国际雕塑计划,韩国;2010 京畿道地区Giko公共艺术纪念碑;2011 遇见Boryong黑石-国际雕塑计划,韩国;2011 中国T-park国际城市公共艺术雕塑大赛;2012 第13届中国长春国际雕塑创作营;2013 土耳其伊兹密尔卡西亚卡创作营;2014 日本北海道画廊Sinajima展览;2015 印度维多拉大学创作营;2016 第三届埃及国际雕塑创作营;2017 第四届智利" Grupo Nuestros Parques" 国际雕塑创作营;2018 第28届石雕比赛,以色列加利利。
纪念性公共作品:日本莫里希石雕塑学术讨论会;日本岩手石雕专题讨论会,日本大分亚洲雕塑公园,阿联酋高地开发,埃及北岸,中国惠安市,罗马尼亚Caransebes市,韩国保宁博昌雕塑博物馆,韩国UMung LH公寓公共Art Institutionwork,丽水市LH公寓公共艺术机构作品,韩国,釜山ANRAK公寓公共艺术机构工作,韩国,韩国哈曼行公寓公共艺术作品,韩国大洋雕塑公园,韩国KuSung Bejo公寓公共艺术机构工作;韩国江星文化艺术公园公共艺术竞赛,DeaAITVILL城堡公寓公共艺术机构;韩国市义旺旗克公寓公共艺术馆;韩国汉纳城市公寓公共艺术机构。
1965.1.17.Chung Buk Province, Republic ofKorea
1984 BoEun High School, Graduation
1992 Mok Won university, Graduation
1994 Mok Won University, master’s Degree
(Master thesis "Research on natural beautyand artificial beauty of stone")
1994 Grand Prize: First OITA AsianSculpture Open Competition
1997 Chief Director Award: The Korea Environmental Sculpture Grand Contest
2009 Second Prize: The 5 th China (HUI AN)Stone Carving Competition
2012 Second Wuhu ”Liu Kaiqu Award” ChinaSilver prize award
2013 Lih-Pao International SculptureBiennial Awards In TAIWAN ( Excellent prize award)
2015 7th Tehran Annual InternationalSculpture symposium 1prize award
2016 The3rd Lih- Pao International SculptureBiennale in Taiwan( Excellent prize award)
1994 1st Chosun Galley in Seoul, Korea
1997 2th OWon Gallery, in DeaJeon City, Korea
2004 3th Solo Exhibition Owon gallery, Korea
2007 4th Young Gallery, in DeaJeon City, Korea
1985 Chungchungnamdo province Art Competition Winning
1986 23th Mokwoo Fine Art association competition Special Selection(Korea National Modern Museum)
1986 23th Mokwoo Fine Art association competition Winning (Korea National Modern Museum)
1989 26th Mokwoo Art association competition Special Selection(Korea National Modern Museum)
1989 Open air Exhibition Sculpture in Deajeon
1989 Seoul Modern Sculpture Competition Special Selection(Gallery Seoul)
1989 Youngman Art Competition Excellenceprize award(Youngman Museum)
1989 Image Exhibition (Modern gallery in Deajeon)
1990 Donga Art Competition Excellence prize Award (Korea national modern Museum)
1990 Donga Art Competition Excellence Winning (Korea national modern Museum)
1990 Jungang Art Competition Winning ( Ho-am Gallery)
1990 Young man Art Competition ExhibitionExcellent Artist Invitation (Art Council Korea Art Center)
1990 MBC Broadcast Sculpture Competition Winning(Korea Trade Center Plaza)
1990 Mokwon Open Air Sculpture Exhibition (Mokwon University )
1990 15th Mokwon University Graduated Exhibition( Deajeon city Junggu Culture center)
1990 Image Exhibition (Deajeon MBC Broadcast space Culture)
1990 Mokwon College of Science Monument
1990 Korea National University Art Exhibition Bronze Prize Award (Dong-aUniversity)
1991 ChungChung Young man Artist Exhibition( Chunan Civic Hall)
1992 Yusung Memorial Spa Culture Exhibition Invitation Deajeon Artist(Hongin Gallery)
1992 Mokwon University Alumnus Planning Exhibition(Deojeon Citizen center)
1992 Situation Korea 1992(Gallery Plastic)
1992 Exhibition Young 7 Sculptor( Modern Gallery))
1993 Jung-an Art Competition Winning (Ho-am Gallery)
1993 Korean Fine Arts Association Competition Winning( Korea National Modern Museum)
1993 93 EXPO Deajeon Open Air Exhibition ( EXPO Deajeon)
1993 13th Mokwon Sculpture Exhibition (Modern Gallery)
1994 First OITA Asian Sculpture OpenCompetition First Prize Award,(Japan)
1994 1st Solo Sculpture Exhibition Seoul,KOREA
1995 2th Life- story Sculpture Exhibition( GwanHun Gallery)
1995 Young Artist Expression ( Gallery Plastic)
1995 Sculpture Invitation in Nature ( Jang hung- Our and Nature)
1995 Korea local Young Artist Invitation Exhibition( Seoul city Museum)
1995 7th Deajeon Sculpture Association Invitation Exhibition (Gallery Sheem)
1995 Art space Open Invitation Exhibition( Jongro Gallery)
1995 14th Mokwon Sculpture association Exhibition(Deajeon Jungu Culturecenter)
1996 Charity Professor Mokwon University( Deajeon Jungku Culture Center)
1996 Deachung Open air Exhibition (Deachungdem)
1996 15th Mokwon Sculpture association Exhibition(Hanlim Gallery)
1996 8th Deajeon Sculpture Association Exhibition(Deajeon Jungku CultureCenter)
1996 9th Bocheong Artist Exhibition(Boun Culture Center)
1997 Keryong Mountain Open Air Sculpture Park Exhibition Invitation
1997 2th Solo Exhibition , DeaJeonCity,KOREA
1997 The Korea Environmental SculptureGrand Contest, KORE A
1997 Search for Future Deajeon Art (Deajeon Citizen Center)
1997 3th Life - story Sculpture Exhibition(Gallery Plastic)
1997 Mokwon Building Funds Exhibition( Gallery Hanlim)
1997 Invitation Korea modern Sculpture Exhibition( Chuncheon MBC Broadcast)
1997 Deajeon Sculpture Association Exhibition ( Gallery Hanlim)
1997 16th Mokwon Sculpture associationExhibition ( Deajeon Jungku Culture Center)
1998 Monument Root Park Surnames
1998 Korea Fine Art Association Competition Winning (Korea National Modern Museum)
1998 10th Today of Sculpture Deajeon( Deajeon Citizen Museum)
1998 Today Exhibition of Deajeon( Deajeon Citizen Center)
1998 4th Life- Story Sculpture Exhibition( Gallery Do-ol)
1998 Square Association Exhibition ( Gallery Modern)
1998 Deajeon Art 1998 ( Deajeon Citizen Center)
1998 17th Mokwon Sculpture Association Exhibition( Gallery Hanlim)
1998 BeaJea University Art Collage professor Exhibition( Deajeon CitizenCenter)
1998 Deajeon Christan Founding Exhibition( Deajeon Jungku Culture Center)
1998 Korea Fine Art Association Exhibition( Seoul Art Center)
1999 Korea Fine Art Regular Exhibition ( Dea jeon Citizen Center)
1999 Professional Artist Regular Exhibition ( Deajeon Citizen Center)
1999 Deocsugung Stonewall Exhibition
1999 Deajeon Jungku Artist Invitation Exhibition ( Jungku Culture Center)
1999 Chuncheon MBC Broadcast Invitation Exhibition( Chuncheon MBC Bradcast)
1999 Deajeon Sculpture New Millennium(Gallery Hanlim)
1999 Christian Artist Exhibition( Deajeo Jungku Culture Center)
1999 18th Mokwon Sculpture association Exhibition (Gallery Lotte)
1999 Juam Lake Open Air Museum Park Sculpture
2000 Unification 2000 exhibition (The National Assembly BLD)
2000 Stone YAMADA exhibition (Japan,Kagawa)
2000 One + One exhibition( West DeajeonStation Exhibition Space)
2000 Korea Christian Museum Open airInvitation
2000 The 5 th Stone Craft FestivalInternational Sculpture Symposium, JAPAN
2001 Umemidori IsiKawa 2001 (Japan)
2001 Miyazaki Airport Modern SculptureExhibition ( Miyazaki Japan)
2001 Deajeon Zoo Monument SculptureCompetition( Deajeon Zoo)
2001 Chosun Naval General Lee DaewonMonument ( Yeasu , Pyeongtec)
2002 Hue Vietnam International StoneSymposium( Vietnam)
2002 29th Iwate International StoneSymposium( Japan)
2002 Special Project for the 6 th OITAAsian Sculpture Exhibition (Special Invitation Sculptor) JAPAN
2002 LH Korea Housing Corporation SculptureMonument(ChungJu City)
2002 Excellent Small Maquet Exhibition (Oita Culture center Japan)
2002 Stone Workshop ( Oita Culture Center)
2002 Small Work Exhibition in Iwate(Michinoeki Culture hall)
2002 Stone Workshop ( Iwate ElementarySchool)
2003 LH Korea Housing Corporation SculptureMonument(Jeonnam province)
2003 Damyang Open Air Public SculptureCompetition ( Damyang Gun)
2003 LH Korea Housing Corporation SculptureMonument(Busan City)
2003 Deajeon Sculpture AssociationExhibition
2003 3th Suzu International Stone SculptureSymposium (Japan)
2004 LH Korea Housing Corporation PublicSculpture Monument(Kyeongnam province)
2004 Deajeon Sculpture AssociationExhibition
2004 LH Korea Housing Corporation PublicSculpture Monument(Kyeongnam province)
2004 1th Boryong Stone Sculpture Symposium( Korea)
2004 3th Solo Exhibition ( O-won Gallery)
2005 Gongju Sculpture Founding Exhibition(Gongju Art and Culture Center)
2005 The first international Sculpturefestival of China-Kunming
2005 1st Anzan International StoneSculpture Symposium in Vietnam
2005 Monument Kumsung Bekjo Yemiji (Deajeon)
2005 Monument Deajeon Noun Area Dea ItobillApartment
2005 Kunming International SculptureSymposium,CHINA
2006 So Sculpture Exhibition DSA Gallery
2006 Exhibition Gongju SculptorsAssociation, Gongju city, KOREA
2006 Banquet Of Spring (InvitationExhibition Spring Special Project) KOREA
2006 Thank you Youngweol City, GalleryRamer, Seoul KOREA
2006 Exhibition DeaJeon SculptorsAssociation, Hyeondea Gallery, KOREA
2006 Jangsung Open air Sculpture ParkMonument
2007 4th Solo Exhibition ( Young Gallery)
2008 Exhibition Gongju SculptorsAssociation, Gongju city, KOREA
2008 Haman city Apartment Public art work,KOREA
2009 LH Korea Housing Corporation PublicSculpture Monument(U-wang city))
2009 Boryong stone Sculpture Symposium Planand Commissioner
2009 Emirates Heights InternationalSculpture Symposium, EGYPT
2009 Exhibition four friends of threecountrys ,Seoul Korea
2009 Second Prize The 5 th China (HUI AN)Stone Carving Competition, CHINA
2010 International Sculpture ProjectMeeting With Boryong Black Stone,KOREA
2010 Kyeongki Area Giko Public ArtApartment monument
2011 Caranseves International SculptureSymposium, ROMANIA
2011 International sculpture ProjectMeeting With Boryong Black Stone, KOREA
2011 International City Public Art, T-Park,Sculpture Competition China
2011 Modern Sculpture Exhibition, MoinGallery, Seoul KOREA
2012 International Symposium of Sculptures2012,Mumbai, INDIA
2012 Second Wuhu ”Liu Kaiqu Award” ChinaSilber prize award
2012 The 13th China Changchuninternational Sculpture Symposium China
2012 2nd China (Tongling) Internationalcopper art exhibition China
2012 The 8th Gongju Sculpture AssociationExhibition
2012 Korea Art Association SubcommitteeMembers
2013 Open air Invitation exhibition localstone sculpture( Chungnam province hall)
2013 Turkey Karsiyaka symposium In Izmir
2013 Lih-Pao International SulptureBiennial Awards In TAIWAN( Excellent prize award)
2013 Open Air Exhibition in Puyeo Traditional Museum
2014 RAWABI International Sculputure In Palestine
2014 Exhibition ART FIAR IN SEOUL
2014 Sinajima Exhibition In Hokaido Galley in Japan
2014 International Luleburgaz sculpture symposium In Turkey
2014 Gaziantep University International sculpture symposium In Turkey
2014 ITM Gwalior University sculpture in India
2014 Chungcheongbukdo provinceArt Review also member
2015 Verodara University symposium in India
2015 Bao-Zan Development BuidingInstallation Art work in Taiwan
2015 International Urban Sculpture in MadhMumbai India
2015 16 th China Changchun Internationalsculpture Symposium
2015 7th Tehran Annual InternationalSculpture symposium 1prize award
2016 Mumbai sculpture project in INDIA.
2016 International Sculpture SymposiumAdelade hills in Australia
2016 The3rd Lih Pao International SculptureBiennale in Taiwan ( Excellent prize award)
2016 1st International Sculpture SymposiumIn Russia Ufa
2016 1st Bustani International Stonesculpture Symposium
2016 Inviting Local Artists OutdoorSculptures Exhibition(Seojong City)
2016 The Third International SculptureSymposium in Egypt
2017 8th Monumental sculpture symposium inIndia
2017 Comfirmation Notice For China. PutienInternational Exhbition in China
2017 "The Belt and Road"2017Qingdao Invitation Sculpture Exhibition in China
2017 Fourth International SculptureSymposium" Grupo Nuestros Parques" in Chile
2017 Madinaty International Art Festival2017 in Egypt
2017 Gongju Art Festival Gongju LiteraryHall Korea Gongju City
2018 The 28th Stone in the Galilee inIsrael
2018 Istanbul- Buyukcekmece InternationalSculpture Symposium in Turkey
2018 Seoul Plastic Art 2018 Exhibition inSeoul
Mure Ich Stone Sculpture Symposium, JAPAN
Iwate Stone Sculpture Symposium, JAPAN
Oita Asian Sculpture Park ,JAPAN
Emirates Heights Development, North Coast,EGYPT
City of Hui’An, CHINA
City of Caransebes, ROMANIA
Bochang Sculpture Museum, Boryeong, KOREA
Umsung LH Apartment public Art Institutionwork,KOREA
Yeosu city LH Apartment public ArtInstitution work, KOREA
Pusan AnRak Apartment Public ArtInstitution work, KOREA
Haman Dohang Apartment Public ArtInstitution work, KOREA
DamYang Open air sculpture Park Institutionwork, KOREA
KumSung BekJo Apartment Public ArtInstitution work, KOREA
JangSung Culture Art Park Public ArtCompetition, KOREA
Dea Aitovill Castle Apartment Public ArtInstitution, DeaJeon KOREA
UiWang CheongKe Apartment Public ArtInstitution, KOREA
Hanam City Apartment Public ArtInstitution, KOREA
Mokwon University Art College Lecturer
Beaje University Art College Lecture
Researcher, Cheongyang University
Korea Fine Art Association
DeaJeon Sculptor Association
Korea Plastic Art Association
Chungcheongbukdo Art Review also member
Korea Art Association Subcommittee Members
Served Deajeon Secretary General of theSculptor Association
Boreong Scuplture Symposium SteeringCommittee
Gongju city Sculpture President
Master thesis "Research on naturalbeauty and artificial beauty of stone" 1995
1999 Exhibition of The Teajon SculptorsAssociation -- Executive Direction
2000 Exhibition of The Teajon SculptorsAssociation -- Executive Direction
2007 Gongju Sculptors Association ---Chairman
2008 Gongju Sculptors Association ---Chairman
2004 1st Boryong International Stone Sculpture Symposium ---Commissioner
2010 1st Borong Black Stone InternationalSculpture project --Director General
2011 2nd Borong Black Stone InternationalSculpture project --Director General
2012 3th Borong Black Stone InternationalSculpture project --Director General