当地时间周三,英国药品和保健产品监管署(Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, MHRA)批准了德国生物新技术公司(BioNTech)和美国辉瑞制药有限公司(Pfizer)合作研发的新冠疫苗,准备在英国展开大规模接种。
The UK has become the first country in the world to approve the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, paving the way for mass vaccination.
The UK has already ordered 40 million doses of the jab - enough to vaccinate 20 million people. The first doses are already on their way to the UK, with 800,000 due in the coming days, Pfizer said.
NHS chief executive Sir Simon Stevens said the health service was preparing for 'the largest-scale vaccination campaign in our country's history'.
英国卫生大臣(Health Secretary)汉考克(Matt Hancock)称英国国民医疗体系将会主动联系英国民众接种疫苗。养老院的老人与护工等高危易感人群最快将于下周接种。该疫苗要求每人接种两次,期间间隔三周,以达到最佳免疫效果。
英国第一阶段疫苗接种优先列表 图源:The Sun
The bulk of the rollout will be next year, Mr Hancock said, adding: '2020 has been just awful and 2021 is going to be better.'
英国卫生大臣汉考克 图源:Agencies
It is a new type called an mRNA vaccine that uses a tiny fragment of genetic code from the pandemic virus to teach the body how to fight Covid-19 and build immunity.
Scientists focus on the genetic sequence for the virus’s ‘spike’ protein. This is used to synthesize an mRNA sequence - instructions that cells can use to make the ‘spike’ protein.
The synthetic mRNA is packaged in a lipid nanoparticle that delivers the instructions to a cell.
Once inside the cell, its cellular machinery follows the mRNA instructions to produce the viral protein. This is displayed on the surface of the cell and stimulates an immune system response.
This is really good news, not only for coronavirus, which is obviously the pressing concern at the moment, but it also is so encouraging for all the other people making vaccines along these lines, and it opens up as a proof of concept the possibility of using these vaccines against many other infectious diseases.
Because the vaccine must be stored at around -70C, it will be transported in special boxes of up to 5,000 doses, packed in dry ice. Once delivered, it can be kept for up to five days in a fridge. And once out of the fridge it needs to be used within six hours.
辉瑞制药比利时工厂用于储存新冠疫苗的冷库 图源:AP
Developed countries like the UK will have an easier time distributing the Pfizer jab than nations that do not have robust cold-chain infrastructure, according to Robert Lechler, president of the Academy of Medical Sciences.
世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)官网显示,截止12月2日,全球共有51款候选疫苗(candidate vaccines)处于临床研究中, 包括核酸疫苗、基因工程亚单位疫苗、重组病毒载体疫苗、灭活病毒疫苗等多种类型,其中有多个由中国团队研发。
Chinese manufacturers have several vaccine candidates in the pipeline that do not require ultra-cold storage, including a treatment developed by Sinovac that produced a strong immune response in Phase 1 and Phase 2 testing, with results from large-scale Phase 3 testing coming soon.
Vaccine makers from China have already agreed to deliver tens of millions of doses to numerous developing nations around the globe.
12月2日,英国伦敦牛津街 图源:PA
12月2日,伦敦大型交通枢纽之一维多利亚地铁站 图源:AFP
周三,牛津街某运动品牌门口排队的购物者 图源:Agencies
英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)在周三的疫情发布会上肯定了对新冠疫苗的信心,同时提醒民众不能“过于乐观(over optimism)”从而放松警惕。
Speaking in Number 10 this evening, Johnson said: “This is a huge moment and... it is also a very moving thing.
“I am really lost in admiration for science and the ability of scientists to solve human problems in the way that they can.
“But to repeat the key message, the worst thing now would be to think that this is the moment when we can relax our guard and think that it is game over in the fight against Covid. This is not. This is not the end.”
视频:Brian Chang