
Pelvic instability

If the pelvis can withstand weightbearing loads without displacement, it is stable; this situation exists only if the bony and key ligamentous structures are intact.

An anterior force applied to both halves of the pelvis forces apart the symphysis pubis. If a diastasis occurs because of capsular rupture, the extent of separation is checked by the anterior sacroiliac and sacrospinous ligaments. Should these restraints fail through the application of a still greater force, the pelvis opens like a book until the posterior iliac spines abut; because the more vertically oriented long posterior sacroiliac and sacrotuberous ligaments remain intact, the pelvis will still resist vertical shear but it is rotationally unstable. If, however, the posterior sacroiliac and sacrotuberous ligaments are damaged, then the pelvis is not only rotationally and vertically unstable, but there will also be posterior translation of the injured half of the pelvis. Vertical instability is therefore ominous as it suggests complete loss of the major ligamentous support posteriorly.

It should be remembered that some fracture patterns can cause instability which mimics that of ligamentous disruption; e.g. fractures of both pubic rami may behave like symphyseal disruptions, and fractures of the iliac wing combined with ipsilateral pubic rami fractures are unstable to vertical shear.(见下图)

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


halve/hæv/vt. 二等分;把……减半

diastasis /dai'æstəsis/ 分离

anterior sacroiliac ligaments 骶髂前韧带

posterior sacroiliac ligaments 骶髂后韧带

sacrospinous ligaments骶棘韧带

restraints/rɪ'strents/n. 限制,禁止(restraint的复数)

iliac/ˈɪliˌæk/adj. 髂的;肠骨的;回肠的

spines/spaɪnz/n. [解剖] 脊柱;棘状突起;体刺(spine的复数)

sacrum  /ˈseɪkrəm,ˈsækrəm/n. [解剖] 骶骨


pubic /ˈpjuːbɪk/adj. 耻骨的

ischium /'ɪskɪəm/n. [解剖] 坐骨

abut /əˈbʌt/vt. 邻接;毗邻;紧靠vi. 邻接;毗邻;紧靠

sacrotuberous ligaments 骶结节韧带

Vertical instability垂直不稳定

ominous /ˈɑːmɪnəs/adj. 预兆的;不吉利的

mimic/ˈmɪmɪk/vt. 模仿,摹拟n. 效颦者,模仿者;仿制品;小丑

pubic rami耻骨支

rami/'reimai/n. 支(ramus的复数)


ipsilateral /ˌɪpsəˈlætərəl/adj. 身体的同侧的

fractures of both pubic rami may behave like symphyseal disruptions, and fractures of the iliac wing combined with ipsilateral pubic rami fractures are unstable to vertical shear.双侧耻骨支骨折可能表现为耻骨联合断裂,而髂翼骨折合并同侧耻骨支骨折对垂直剪切来说是不稳定的。






