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First among equals 


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First among equals


Which is the best language? You decide


Maurice Druon of the French Academy once proposed that French should be made the principal legal language of the European Union. He argued that its logic and precision rendered it the judicial language par excellence. Others chortled. How very French of him!


The French are hardly alone in believing that their language is especially poetic, emotional, logical, precise, accessible or rich. But it turns out that the things people prize in their own languages can often be the same things foreign learners hate. Take the formal informal distinction in words for “you”. German and French have du and tu for friends and family, and Sie and vous for unknown adults and formal speech. Natives of those languages miss that distinction when speaking English. Those whose languages (like English) don’t make it in the first place often resent having this choice forced on them in French or German.


A dictum among linguists is that languages differ not in what they can express, but in what they must. Given the time and willingness to explain or coin basic terms, any language could be used to talk about anything. But they vary wildly in what they insist speakers say, with the tu-vous distinction just the tip of an iceberg. Washo, a native language of Nevada, has four past and three future tenses, depending on how distant an event is in time. Tariana, from Brazil, has “evidentiality”: speakers choose one of five verb-endings to show how they know what they aver to be true. Jarawara, also from Brazil, distinguishes “we (including you)” and “we (without you)”.

在语言学家中流行这样一条准则,不同语言的区别不在于如何表达,而在于该语言必须要怎么表达。如果表达和发明基本术语的时间充足、意愿强烈,人们可以用任何语言表达任何东西。但区别在于是否有强制性的语法规则,tu-vous 这样的例子只是冰山一角。瓦硕语(Washo)是内华达州的一种方言,有四种过去时和三种将来时,取决于事件发生的时间。来源于巴西的塔利亚纳语(Tariana)具有"言据性":动词有五种后缀,用来表达事件不同程度的可信度。在同样源于巴西的雅拉瓦拉语(Jarawara)中,“我们”这个词有包括“你”和不包括“你”的区别。

The many different things a language can and must do are the subject of “Are Some Languages Better than Others?”, a book from 2016 by R.M.W. Dixon of James Cook University in Australia. Mr Dixon dispels old colonialist prejudices that European languages are sophisticated and indigenous >.


In answering his title’s provocative question, Mr Dixon finds that requiring distinctions (formal or informal “you”, inclusive or exclusive “we”, evidentiality), is useful. The more information, the better. But not every language can require every distinction: a language that had them all would be too hard for members of the community to learn, to say nothing of outsiders. There may be an outer limit to how complex languages can get, constrained by the brain’s processing power.


Into the argument about whether some languages are superior comes a recent paper on information density in speech, by François Pellegrino and his colleagues at the University of Lyon. Some languages, like Japanese, have few distinct sounds and tight rules on how syllables may be structured, so that the number of possible syllables is low (think ka, ru, to, etc). Other languages (like English) have fewer constraints, so that a single syllable may be as complicated as strengths. All things being equal, one syllable chosen among English’s thousands will carry more information than one picked from Japanese’s dozens. But the study finds that this imbalance is counteracted by speech rate: speakers of Japanese get in many of their simple syllables more quickly than English-speakers do their complicated ones. Overall information density turns out to be the same across hugely different tongues.


In short, languages are governed by trade-offs. One that avoids making certain information mandatory may be easy to speak, but leaves the listener to fill in the gaps. It may be simple to learn but less expressive. Some languages have lots of redundant elements: in los tres gatos negros están mojados(“the three black cats are wet” in Spanish), all six words indicate a plural. Marking the plural just once (as Chinese does) would be enough. But redundancy has a virtue: emphatic communication is more likely to survive a noisy environment.

简而言之,语言的优劣性需要多方面权衡。强制性语法规则少的语言,可能说起来简单,但缺少的信息需要听话者自行脑补。这种语言学起来容易,但是缺乏表现力。有些语言过于冗余:在los tres gatos negros están mojados(西班牙语:三只黑猫湿了)这句话里,所有六个单词都是复数形式。仅仅表明一次复数(如中文)就足够了。但是冗余也有好处:强调的语气,更有利于在嘈杂的环境中发声。

Languages, Mr Dixon says, are like a Western-style house. There are a few rooms you must have (kitchen, bedroom, living room, bathroom), and some discretionary options (office, guest room). On a fixed budget, you can’t have all the extras. He does not crown a “best” language. In the end, he says, readers should make their own list of desirable features, and then closely examine a few languages to decide whether one has more of them than another. But the list of advantages, he concedes, is itself a matter of judgment. For all his scientific criteria, in the end the verdict is in the ear of the beholder.




Lee ,爱骑行的妇女之友,Timberland粉













德语中虽然保留有大部分古英语中格的变化,但基本都体现在冠词及形容词上,名词本身几乎不变化,而且其属格形式的使用渐衰,取而代之的则多是介词von,如der Besitzer des Hauses (the owner of the house),des Hauses为das Haus的属格形式,但如今有使用der Besitzer vom Hause的趋势,vom = von dem = of the, von后接与格,这样的趋势更加强调介词的使用,而减轻对格的依赖,使得语言变得更加分析化。





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