
C.1.1 Python的“Hello World”


print 'Hello World!'


$ python example00_helloworld.pyHello World!

C.1.2 注释



# source_code/appendix_c_python/
print 'This text will be printed because the print statement is executed.'
#print 'Even commented statements are not executed.'
print 'But the comment finished with the end of the line.'
print 'So the 4th and 5th line of the code are executed again.'


$ python example01_comments.pyThis text will be printed because the print statement is executedBut the comment finished with the end of the line.So the 4th and 5th line of the code are executed again.

C.2 数据类型


  • 数字数据类型:整型、浮点型。

  • 文本数据类型:字符串型。

  • 复合数据类型:元组、列表、集合、字典。

C.2.1 整型



# source_code/appendix_c_python/
rectangle_side_a = 10
rectangle_side_b = 5
rectangle_area = rectangle_side_a * rectangle_side_b
rectangle_perimeter = 2*(rectangle_side_a + rectangle_side_b)
print 'Let there be a rectangle with the sides of lengths:'
print rectangle_side_a, 'and', rectangle_side_b, 'cm.'
print 'Then the area of the rectangle is', rectangle_area, 'cm squared.'
print 'The perimeter of the rectangle is', rectangle_perimeter, 'cm.'


$ python example02_int.pyLet there be a rectangle with the sides of lengths: 10 and 5 cm.Then the area of the rectangle is 50 cm squared.The perimeter of the rectangle is 30 cm.

C.2.2 浮点型



# source_code/appendix_c_python/
pi = 3.14159
circle_radius = 10.2
circle_perimeter = 2 * pi * circle_radius
circle_area = pi * circle_radius * circle_radius
print 'Let there be a circle with the radius', circle_radius, 'cm.'
print 'Then the perimeter of the circle is', circle_perimeter, 'cm.'
print 'The area of the circle is', circle_area, 'cm squared.'


$ python example03_float.pyLet there be a circle with the radius 10.2 cm.Then the perimeter of the circle is 64.088436 cm.The area of the circle is 326.8510236 cm squared.

C.2.3 字符串



# source_code/appendix_c_python/
first_name = 'Satoshi'
last_name = 'Nakamoto'
full_name = first_name + ' ' + last_name
print 'The inventor of Bitcoin is', full_name, '.'


$ python example04_string.pyThe inventor of Bitcoin is Satoshi Nakamoto.

C.2.4 元组

元组数据类型类似于数学中的向量。例如,tuple = (integer_number, float_number)。


# source_code/appendix_c_python/
import math
point_a = (1.2,2.5)
point_b = (5.7,4.8)
segment_length = math.sqrt(
math.pow(point_a[0] - point_b[0], 2) +
math.pow(point_a[1] - point_b[1], 2))
print 'Let the point A have the coordinates', point_a, 'cm.'
print 'Let the point B have the coordinates', point_b, 'cm.'
print 'Then the length of the line segment AB is', segment_length, 'cm.'


$ python example05_tuple.pyLet the point A have the coordinates (1.2, 2.5) cm.Let the point B have the coordinates (5.7, 4.8) cm.Then the length of the line segment AB is 5.0537115074 cm.

C.2.5 列表



# source_code/appendix_c_python/
some_primes = [2, 3]
print 'The primes less than 10 are:', some_primes


$ python example06_list.pyThe primes less than 10 are: [2, 3, 5, 7]

C.2.6 集合



# source_code/appendix_c_python/
from sets import Set
boys = Set(['Adam', 'Samuel', 'Benjamin'])
girls = Set(['Eva', 'Mary'])
teenagers = Set(['Samuel', 'Benjamin', 'Mary'])
print 'Adam' in boys
print 'Jane' in girls
print 'Jane' in girls
teenage_girls = teenagers & girls #intersection
mixed = boys | girls #union
non_teenage_girls = girls - teenage_girls #difference
print teenage_girls
print mixed
print non_teenage_girls


$ python example07_set.pyTrueFalseTrueSet(['Mary'])Set(['Benjamin', 'Adam', 'Jane', 'Eva', 'Samuel', 'Mary'])Set(['Jane', 'Eva'])

C.2.7 字典



# source_code/appendix_c_python/
dictionary_names_heights = {}
dictionary_names_heights['Adam'] = 180.
dictionary_names_heights['Benjamin'] = 187
dictionary_names_heights['Eva'] = 169
print 'The height of Eva is', dictionary_names_heights['Eva'], 'cm.'


$ python example08_dictionary.pyThe height of Eva is 169 cm.

C.3 控制流



# source_code/appendix_c_python/
x = 10
if x == 10:
print 'The variable x is equal to 10.'
if x > 20:
print 'The variable x is greater than 20.'
print 'The variable x is not greater than 20.'
if x > 10:
print 'The variable x is greater than 10.'
elif x > 5:
print 'The variable x is not greater than 10, but greater ' + 'than 5.'
print 'The variable x is not greater than 5 or 10.'


$ python example09_if_else_elif.pyThe variable x is equal to 10.The variable x is not greater than 20.The variable x is not greater than 10, but greater than 5.

C.3.1 for循环


C3.1.1 range的for循环


print 'The first 5 positive integers are:'
for i in range(1,6):
print i


$ python example10_for_loop_range.pyThe first 5 positive integers are:12345

C3.1.2 列表的for循环


primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]
print 'The first', len(primes), 'primes are:'
for prime in primes:
print prime


$ python example11_for_loop_list.pyThe first 6 primes are:23571113

C3.1.3 break和continue



for i in range(0,10):
if i % 2 == 1: #remainder from the division by 2
print 'The number', i, 'is divisible by 2.'
for j in range(20,100):
print j
if j > 22:


$ python example12_break_continue.pyThe number 0 is divisible by 2.The number 2 is divisible by 2.The number 4 is divisible by 2.The number 6 is divisible by 2.The number 8 is divisible by 2.20212223

C.3.2 函数



def rectangle_perimeter(a, b):
return 2 * (a + b)
print 'Let a rectangle have its sides 2 and 3 units long.'
print 'Then its perimeter is', rectangle_perimeter(2, 3), 'units.'
print 'Let a rectangle have its sides 4 and 5 units long.'
print 'Then its perimeter is', rectangle_perimeter(4, 5), 'units.'


$ python example13_function.pyLet a rectangle have its sides 2 and 3 units long.Then its perimeter is 10 units.Let a rectangle have its sides 4 and 5 units long.Then its perimeter is 18 units.

C.3.3 程序参数



import sys
print 'The number of the arguments given is', len(sys.argv),'arguments.' print 'The argument list is ', sys.argv, '.'


$ python arg1 110The number of the arguments given is 3 arguments.The argument list is ['', 'arg1', '110'].

C.3.4 文件读写



# source_code/appendix_c_python/
file = open('test.txt','w')
file.write('first line\n')
file.write('second line')
#read the file
file = open('test.txt','r')


$ python example15_file.pyfirst linesecond line


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