Astronomy Picture of the Day——夜空中最亮的25颗星

25 Brightest Stars in the Night Sky

Image Credit & Copyright: TragoolchitrJittasaiyapan

Explanation: Do you know the names of someof the brightest stars? It's likely that you do, even though some bright starshave names so old they date back to near the beginning of written language.Many world cultures have their own names for the brightest stars, and it isculturally and historically important to remember them. In the interest ofclear global communication, however, the International Astronomical Union (IAU)has begun to designate standardized star names. Featured above in true colorare the 25 brightest stars in the night sky, currently as seen by humans,coupled with their IAU-recognized names. Some star names have interestingmeanings, including Sirius ("the scorcher" in Latin), Vega("falling" in Arabic), and Antares ("rival to Mars" inGreek). It's also likely that other of these bright star names are not familiarto you, even though familiar Polaris is too dim to make this list.





Astronomy Picture of the Day——汇聚在太阳对面的反曙暮辉

Astronomy Picture of the Day——雪茄星系的中央磁场

Astronomy Picture of the Day——朱诺号拍摄到形似大理石的木星

