
因为我喜欢,所以我选择,因为我选择,所以我坚持,因为我坚持,所以我走到了最后,打游戏一样的创业,床心情,打怪升级,生物技术,计算机技术,汉语言文学,矛盾论,排中律,反证法,演员,导游,公务员,根据客观规律办事,我们不是为了什么而去做事,而是做该做的事,走该走的路,韬光养晦,伺服出击,顺势而为,抢,创新,无序混沌状态,自发自组织,有序状态不稳定倍周期混沌状态,自由探索,试错进取,专升本,考研,意识诉诸语言文字的能力,争,名气,地位,市场,小时候的往事到现在区域集成经济文化发展概论Overview of the development of the regional integrated economic and cultural industry chain,拼,时间,资源,工资,合伙人。

Because I like it, I choose, because I choose, I insist, because I insist, so I came to the end, biotechnology, computer technology, Chinese language and literature, contradiction, the law of excluded middle, law of contradiction, actors, tour guides, civil servants, according to Acting with objective laws, grabbing, innovation, disorder and chaos, spontaneous and self-organizing, orderly state, unstable cycle-doubling chaotic state, free exploration, trial and error, enterprising, college promotion, postgraduate entrance examination, awareness of the ability to appeal to language, competition, fame, Status, market, past events as a child, fight, time, resources, salary, partners.

