视频 | 大自然在说话英文版全12集观看入口,学习英语好资源

Nature doesn’t need people. People need nature. That’s the message of Conservation International’s provocative, celebrity-voiced campaign, “Nature Is Speaking.” The aim is to raise awareness that people need nature in order to survive. Other conservation groups are also employing the power of film to convey pressing environmental messages and move their supporters to action. See examples of environmental impact short films by leading environmental non-profits, including the Nature is Speaking series and other engaging short films highlighting the value of nature to people.

视频 | Nature Is Speaking系列选(1-2)
视频 | Nature Is Speaking系列选(3-4),学习英语好资源
视频 | Nature Is Speaking系列选(5-6),学习英语好资源
视频 | Nature Is Speaking系列选(7-8),学习英语好资源
视频 | Nature Is Speaking系列选(9-10),学习英语好资源
视频 | Nature Is Speaking系列选(11-12),学习英语好资源
