2016061:本年度CIC迎检方案(cargo securing)

2016年9月1日至11月30日,东京备忘录、黑海备忘录、印度洋备忘录将同时针以Cargo Securing为主题开展三个月的集中检查。在集中检查期间 PSCO将针对以下表格进行询问并根据实际情况决定是否开展详细检查,下表包括八项内容,涉及的内容主要集中在:cargo securing manual, familiarization with the cargo securing manual, lashings/fittings, sufficient availability of cargo securing devices onboard, and follow of the Cargo Safe Access Plan.

Best Practice Guide

1. Is an approved cargo securing manual onboard?

In accordance with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS) chapters VI, VII and the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code), cargo units, including containers shall be stowed and secured throughout the voyage in accordance with a Cargo Securing Manual, approved by the Administration. The Cargo Securing Manual is required on all types of ships engaged in the carriage of all cargoes other than solid and liquid bulk cargoes. Cargo Securing Manual should cover all relevant aspects of cargo stowage and securing regarding the type of vessel and carried equipment.

2A. Does the Cargo Securing Manual meet the guidelines outlined in MSC.1/Circ.1353/Rev.1?

All Cargo securing Manuals should be based on relevant Circular MSC.1/Circ.1353 as amended on 2010.

2B. If the answer to question 2A is “No” does the cargo securing manual meet a standard at least equivalent to the above guidelines?

The standards of Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code) should be satisfied by Cargo Securing Manual for all vessels. For Container vessels (dedicated container ships and those parts of other ships for which arrangements are specifically designed and fitted for the purpose of carrying containers on deck) should implement additionally a Cargo Safe Access Plan on board. If this requirement is not satisfied then the vessel may considered for detention by PSCO.

3. Are the Master and person in charge of cargo operations familiar with the cargo securing manual?

The Cargo Securing Manual should clearly specify the Person in charge of operations (regarding cargo securing). All personnel involved with such operations should be familiar with the Manual. Safety Meetings and On board training) should be conducted on board and relevant documented evidence to be available for PSCO inspection.

4. Are the lashings/fittings as per the cargo securing manual?

Lashings and fittings to be in accordance with relevant Cargo Securing Manual Section. Maintenance requirements to be in accordance with maker’s instructions and relevant records to be available on board. Safe Working Loads to be marked as appropriate where required.

5. Is the condition of the lashing/fittings considered satisfactory for their intended use?

Checks, Inspections to be conducted in intervals specified by Class and/or maker and records to be available on board. Equipment which considered to be in poor condition to be marked and not used. All relevant actions for replacement of such equipment to be made. The equipment in use should be in good condition, inspected as appropriate in accordance with Class and/or maker’s guidance.

6. Are appropriate securing points or fittings being used for cargo securing?

Securing points on deck to be marked as appropriate. Safe Working load to be measured as per Class instructions. Maintenance to be conducted as required. Regular inspection of fixed deck fittings is essential to establish whether progressive wear has undermined their integrity. Areas requiring particular attention include:

  • Reduction in the thickness of securing points where for example a turnbuckle may have chafed,

  • Wastage in the way of the key holes of deck foundations,

  • Wastage and cracking of the plating to which fittings are welded,

  • Dovetail deck foundations distorted.

7. Is there a sufficient quantity of reserve cargo securing devices onboard?

In case of damaged or inappropriate lashing/securing equipment, extra equipment should be carried on board in order to be used as necessary. The equipment should be included in Cargo Securing Manual and should follow the maintenance and inspection requirement of the rest securing equipment. All devises should be approved for use and securing Cargo. If the incorrect equipment is ordered the integrity of a ship’s securing arrangement can soon be undermined. To ensure this does not happen the correct description, part number, safe working load and breaking load should be known for each item which makes up the ship’s standard complement.

8. Is the vessel following the Cargo Safe Access Plan (CSAP)?

Cargo Safe Access Plan (CSAP) is intended to provide detailed information for persons engaged in work connected with cargo stowage and securing. The CSAP should be developed in accordance with MSC.1/Circ.1353/Rev.1.

Crew to be familiarized in the use and implementation of plan. All related items should be highlighted (hand rails, platforms, walkways, ladders, access covers, location of equipment storage facilities, lighting fixtures, container alignment on hatch covers/pedestals, fittings for specialized containers, such as reefer plugs/receptacles, first aid stations and emergency access/egress, gangways, any other arrangements necessary for the provision of safe access) and Chief Officer should check frequently the crew’s level of knowledge and competence on implementing the Plan.



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