

中国检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率14164.25%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码07106     Fire detection and alarm system缺陷描述Fire detection and alarm system have been failed since 14-09-2017. (SOLAS ch. II-2, S74-24/CII-2/R7)30火灾探测系统自2017.9.14损坏缺陷照片

2澳大利亚检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率3625.55%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码04114      Emergency source of power - Emergency generator缺陷描述Emergency generator not able to automatically connect to emergency switchboard in event of blackout. (SOLAS ch. II-1 Parts C, D, E, F, S74/CII-1/R43) (30)应急发电机blackout模式下不能自动连接应急配电板缺陷照片

3日本检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率10400.00%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码07105     Fire doors/openings in fire-resisting divisions缺陷描述Door flame at several location such as CCR store, e/r entrance (md10) and escape trunk entrance (p306, p307) - gapped (SOLAS ch. II-2,) 17CCR 、E/R、逃生通道的门框有缝隙缺陷照片

the door frame at store space under CCR, flash light was applied a gap from outside and the light leaked into the store space through the gap.

the door and it's frame as P307 from e/r, there was a gap so as to be able to insert fingers4俄罗斯检查船舶艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率1900%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码02108     Electrical installations in general缺陷描述Some non conduction mats in engine control room (near switch board) defective (SOLAS ch. II-1 Parts C, D, E, F,) 17集控室部分绝缘脚垫缺失缺陷照片


