【中英文独家连载】罗宾博士看陕西之: 蓝田县与白鹿原
Shaanxi Through Dr. Robin’s Eyes
Blue Field: Lantian Countyand the White DeerPlain
(英)罗宾·吉尔班克 胡宗锋 译
Lan tianrunuang yu sheng yan.
Inmoonlit pearls see tears in mermaid’seyes
From sunburntjade in Blue Field letsmoke rise
“Theair above Lantian shimmers from the jade hiddenwithin its hills.”
LiShangyin’s (813-56 AD) description of LantianCounty is, to my mind, one of themost piquant meters of poetry to have come outof Tang Dynasty Chang’an. Hiscontemporaries concerned themselves with therevelry of the capital, militarymatters, and the longing for home. Not he. Thebard Li’s muse was found amongthe mountains and he fancied that the richmineralogical deposits of the areacould enunciate their presence even throughthe coverage of terra firma.
Thehills of Lantian are not in fact haloed with thesheen of semi-precious stones.Tearing up the Hushan Expressway as it outpaces thesluggish Ba River, motoristsare not spontaneously overpowered by a glareredolent of the alien landings inthe Spielberg movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind.Nonetheless, in more sensesthan one, the fame of the county rests upon whatlies beneath. In 1963, theunearthing of the remains of two female specimens ofa subspecies of the Homo erectus at ChenjiaowoandGongwangling, dating back at least half-a-million years,[1]wrestedfrom Banpo the laurels of being the earliest settled region of Shaanxi.TheShaanxi History Museum houses the original mandible and cranium, butaninconspicuous local exhibition hall commemorates the Paleolithic ladies closetothe spot where one of them was disinterred. Their hand tools andlithicfragments are clad in Perspex, and placards proclaim the significance ofwhatis known as Homo erectus Lantianensisin Latin to the whole ofmankind.
LiShangyin had no means of knowing of the ape-likeforebears whose remains werelying beneath those shimmering hills. He was aware,and proud, of the reputationof the county for producing semi-preciousminerals. Relying on the public bus,one can swing into the heart of the jadedistrict from the city within aboutninety minutes. Every glazed-door shopstocks largely the same range ofbracelets and bi (decorative pierced disks), so this is notexactly the place tohaggle for whopping discounts on jewellery. Having saidthat, there are thosefor whom the experience of trekking to Shaanxi and beingable to boast aboutfrequenting the shimmering hills probably matters more thanthe business ofshopping per se. The one occasion Ivisited there,our lunch was interrupted by the antics of a family from Jiangsuwho chompedaway noisily at their carp and insisted on scraping jade banglesagainst theglass on their lazy Susan to demonstrate its authenticity.
How wechoose to talk about jade forms one major areaof cultural misunderstandingbetween Chinese people and folk from Westerncountries. In the West the categoryof “jade” is said to encompass just twominerals – nephrite (known in Chinese as“hard jade” and jadeite (known inChinese as “soft jade”). The dozens of otherdifferent materials containing theChinese character yu intheir namesare perceived to be “false jades” or stones, which whilepossessingcharacteristics of hardness and opacity, do not warrant that generictitle.Lantian jade measures 2 to 6 on the Moh’s Scale. It is composed ofaround50.75% calcite and 49.25% antigorite, together with trace elements oftalc. Thestone can be further subdivided into five categories: white marble,light beigemarble serpentine, yellow ophicalcite, apple-colouredophicalcite,and banded flash petrochemical ophicalcite. The toughness of thesurface and itsresistance to wear makes it suitable for use as drinking oreating vessels,massage balls and ink-stones as well as for being carved intodecorativeartefacts. The Shaanxi History Museum houses 125 jade articles ofmostlyutilitarian use ascribed to the Shenmu Shimao Longshan culture of c.2000 BC.
说到选玉和谈玉,中国人和西方人在这方面有很大的文化误读。在西方,据说玉只有两种,那就是软玉(而中国人叫硬玉),另一种就是硬玉(翡翠)(而中国人叫软玉)。其它十几种带有汉语“玉”字的矿石都被认为是“假玉”,虽然硬度和透明度有玉的特征,但还不能称之为玉。蓝田玉的摩氏硬度为2-6度,含有大约50.75% 方解石和49.25% 叶蛇纹石以及云母一样的微量元素。蓝田玉细分为五类:第一种为白色大理岩;第二种为浅米黄色蛇纹石大理岩;第三种为黄色蛇纹石大理岩;第四种为苹果色蛇纹石大理岩;第五种为条带状透闪石化蛇纹大理岩。蓝田玉表面的韧度和经久耐磨使其成为制作吃喝用品、健身球、砚台以及雕刻其它艺术品的上等材料。陕西历史博物馆里收藏有125件蓝田玉器,大多为日常用品,属于2000多年前的神木石峁龙山文化。
Legendhas it that Lantian jade found favour with YangGuifei the leading concubine ofthe Tang Emperor Xuanzong, a not unfeasibleprospect since the couple spent muchof their time at leisure in the vicinityof the nearby Huaqing Hot Springs. Ms.Yang would bathe her face in water thathad been soaked in or come into contactwith “ice lotus jade,” believing it topossess properties which would keep hercomplexion flawless and fresh. The mainrationale behind this is that since themineral has been inundated in situ byspring waters it may have anti-bacterial,anti-inflammatory and skin whiteningeffects. Many women throughout history, andeven to the present day, emulateher habits in the toilette. References to themining of the stone long predateeven this. The Book of Han: DilizhirecordsLantian jade being mined at Jingbei Lantian Mountain (京北(今西安北)蓝田山). It is purported thatthe legendary He Family Jade (和氏碧)featured in Classical works such as the sayings of MasterHan Fei (Hanfeizi)in which it is used as a bargaining chip to negotiatethe secession of fifteencities, was an outstanding example of Lantian jade.Although more likely to be"ordinary jade" rather than somethingexceptional, current geologicalsurveys estimate that 100 million cubic metresof the mineral are yet to beexcavated locally, mainly around Yuchuan Townshipand Red Gate Temple Township.
Onreflection, Lantian is not an eastern hinterland,but a region wrought withreligious, topographical, geological and mythicalsignificances. The ShuiluNunnery houses lugubrious ranks of demons fashionedcenturies ago from wirearmature fleshed out in clay. As flash photography isforbidden the visitor hasa doubly terrifying experience. The shrines are sodim that the attendants ofthe underworld lurk as goblins which gaze at ournavels. Secondly, going homewithout photos forces us to reconstruct frommemory what we have seen. Our headsare thus filled with the kind of darkimages which normally only float out ofthe unconscious mind during nightmares.
Thescenery of the county is among the most lush to beencountered anywhere inNorthwest China. This much was recognized by the TangDynasty poet Wang Wei, whochose to locate his villa here in Wang Chuan,producing paintings combiningwatercolour images of his surroundings withself-penned poems in his owndistinctive hand. Spots such as the Whale Creekform the natural habitat fordecidedly peculiar wildlife species. The giantsalamander, with its outsizedhead, pinched shoulders and pelvis, and Shar Pei-likewrinkles is known toalmost everyone in the Chinese countryside. In times ofdearth its flesh hasbeen harvested (illegally) as food, though the common nameof the creature iswhat makes it especially intriguing. Wawa yu (literally “babyfish”) is utterly misleading when renderedinto English. “Baby” refers not toits size, but the fact that rather like atoad it will emit an unearthly shriekwhen injured or subject to distress. Asomewhat willful reading of Sima Qian’s Recordsofthe Grand Historian could potentially point to a now forgottenformerusage for the giant salamander in China. Chapter 6 of that work refers tothetomb of the First Emperor being sealed, with the only source of illuminationcomingfrom lamps filled with the oil of the “man-faced fish.” Theoverwhelminglikelihood is that this means “whale oil,” though there is a partof me whichremains curious as to whether the Qin at some stage relied on thefat of thislocal eccentric beast as a fuel.
Lantianis now synonymous with leisure and recreation,two things to be had in abundancein among its verdant hills. The Tangyu Springand Spa are choked with Xi’anesepleasure-seekers on every holiday from May Dayto the Golden Week in October.The various pools, some of which have been inuse since the 1300s are fed bynatural sources originating approximately 2000metres or more below the WeiBasin. They reach the surface with a temperatureof around 50 degrees Celsius,allowing those taking a dip to be warmed a littleabove normal blood temperaturewithout being boiled. Further health enhancingeffects can be sought frominfusions or preparations of locally-growningredients, including ganoderma, keyto the repertoire of traditional Chinesemedicine.
As isexplored in the late Chen Zhongshi’s masterwork White Deer Plain,Lantian was not alwaysso sedate, participating in the revolutionary ferment ofthe early twentiethcentury by being the first place in Shaanxi to establish alocal branch of theChinese Communist Party. Mr. Chen portrays that as acritical, if necessarybreak with the past for the county had two other claimsto fame which tied itto the old order of the Qing Dynasty. First of all,Lantian was renowned as abreeding ground for cooks enlisted to serve in theimperial kitchen.Specifically, these gourmets had a reputation for being orderto whip up themost exquisite delicacies employing humble or multifarious ingredientsin a waywhich put cosmopolitan chefs to shame. Secondly, Lantian earned theChineseepithet Juxianfang. On the one hand this alludes to the readiness withwhichthe soils of the area nourish medicinal ganoderma. On the other meansa“gathering of scholars,” this being the county of origin ofnumerousNeo-Confucianists who contributed to the development of Guanxue (theGuanzhong School of Philosophy)
在已故作家陈忠实的《白鹿原》里, 蓝田并不总是风平浪静的。这里的人参加了二十世纪初的革命,是陕西最早建立共产党地方支部的地方。陈忠实先生的描述是有批判性的,要是说与过去决裂,这个县还有两项与清代的旧俗相关而出名的事。首先,蓝田是出过宫廷大厨的“厨师之乡”,这里的美食家特别出名的是善于用普通的材料或多种佐料烹饪精致的菜肴,其技艺足以让世界名厨感到自愧不如。其次,蓝田有“聚仙坊”的美誉,这一方面指的是蓝田的土壤盛产药用灵芝;另一方面指“聚贤”。这个县出了许多对关学有贡献的新儒家学者。
Ratherlike Zhang Zai (1020-77) in Mei County, Baoji,it is not uncommon for even thelowliest of Lantian folk to have heard of, orspeak with pride, of theillustrious Lü brothers who lived in the same century.One of them Lü Dalin, infact married a niece of Master Zhang, strengtheningthe Shaanxi guanxi. Five ofthe six sons of that family passed the imperialentrance examination as jinshi andwereknown as the Lantian Lü, amonicker which bespeaks both theadulation in which they were held and thecentrality of local identity in theapplication of their philosophy. Inpolitical terms Lü Dafang (1027-97) faredthe best, rising to become assistantdirector of the right in the Department ofState Affairs. To all intents andpurposes, he was the prime minister of theSouthern Song Empire. Anotherbrother Lü Dajun is closely associated with theimplementation of the conceptsof xiangyue and xiangyi. Observing that magnatessuch as himself were oftenworking within a broken system in which the nationalgovernment cared littlefor order at a grassroots level, xiangyuesoughtto impose a social contract between villagers whereby they would aidtheirneighbours during times of want and respect mutual obligation at othertimes. Xiangyi touchesupon the ritesand rituals held upon special occasions, though also encompassesthe etiquetteswhich citizens uphold in their everyday life.
Thebroader philosophical context in which the Lüsoperated cannot be sketched outjudiciously in this short space. Suffice tosay, those familiar with thecultural conservatism of Guanzhong should be ableto discern the canniness withwhich Lü Dalin understood the values of thosearound him and was able to adaptthem to political ends. He was regarded as thefather of archaeology in China.The founder of Xi’an Forest of Stone Stele is LüDa Zhong,who moved Stone-baseClassics onFilial Piety, Kai Cheng Stone Classics, and theThirteen Stone Classicsto the southern part within the city wall forprotection during the time whenhe was the vice director of the department oftransportation in Shaanxi, hence the embryo of the Xi’an Forest ofStele.
“吕氏四贤”在哲学上的广泛研究这里无法简而述之。要说的是,那些熟悉关中保守文化的人能看清吕大临的精明,他能“随时识事”,并“论道于朝”,还被认为是“中国的考古之父”。陕西碑林博物馆的创始人则是“吕氏四贤”的吕大忠,在任陕西转运副使期间,将《石台孝经》 《开成石经》 和《十三经》等碑石移至城墙内南侧,统一保管,这才形成了西安碑林的最早雏形。
Neo-Confucianismhad a deep foothold in theintellectual life of Lantian. Arguably it reached itsapotheosis in the figureof the educator Niu Zhaolian (1867-1937), who looms asan almost sufi-likepresence over the period when the Old China and its values wereat last beingswept away. He was said to have been possessed of a close-tomystical insight,being able to divine where subterranean water was to be foundand to predict whenthere would be a downpour of rain. His character has beenportrayed in print byboth Chen Zhongshi and Jia Pingwa, but I interviewed hisgreat-grandson and thecustodian of his legacy, Niu Rui, to gain a clearerimpression of the man andhis personal philosophy:-
1. Your ancestor Niu Zhaolian is just one of many scholars to have come out of LantianCounty. Even today in the 21st century people still speak with pride ofthe achievements of Lü brothers during the Northern Song Dynasty.Do you think there is any special quality or circumstance whichmakes Lantian a prime breeding ground for scholars?
2. Briefly, how would you summarize the essenceof Niu Zhaolian’s teaching?
3. Niu is not only spoken of as a teacher and aphilosopher, but as a demigod (半仙) for his reputed powers of divination andprophecy. Do you think that such a title is deserved?
4. Niu has been portrayed in severalfictionalized forms in the works of Shaanxi writers. In Feidu (1993) by Jia Pingwa he is shown as the ancestor of the protagonist’s wife and the author highlights his powers of divination as used to help vanquish the Henanwarlord Liu who besieged Xi’an City in 1926. What are yourfeelings about this depiction?
5. The late Chen Zhongshi also refers to Niu in Bailuyuan,albeit indirectly through the figure of Mr. Zhu, the Neo-Confucianist scholar. Chen goes into far more detail than Jia, even at one stage presenting a striking description of the scholarthrough the eyes of Bai Jiaxuan:
What are your feelings about his depiction in the novel?
6. In your opinion do you think thatNeoconfucianism has continued relevance to modern society?