美添音乐 Everyday music《Tool Cool For School》



Everyday music






名:《Tool Cool For School》

歌者 Fountains of Wayne

词曲Chris Collingwood, Adam L. Schlesinger

流派 摇滚



He walks alone

Under the big city lights

He always knows

Just when the time is right

He never shows what he's thinking

He keeps it inside

Because he's

Too Cool for School

He comes alive

Oh, when the sun goes down

He gets it right

You know he's always down

He keeps one eye open

And his ear to the ground

And he's

Too Cool for School

He's an operator

He's a real player

And if you mess with him

You know you'll never win

He's an instigator

Enemy eliminator

And when he knocks you better

You better let him in

He's got his own way

Of getting things done

He's always

Looking out for number one

Don't try to beat him

Cause he's already won

And he's

Too Cool for School

He's an operator

He's a real player

And if you mess with him

You know you'll never win

He's an instigator

Enemy eliminator

And when he knocks you better

You better let him in

He walks alone

Under the big city lights

He always knows

Just when the time is right

He never shows what he's thinking

He keeps it inside

Because he's

Too Cool for School

Because he's

Too Cool for School

Because he's

Too Cool for School



今天分享一首来自Fountains of Wayne(韦恩喷泉)的《Tool Cool For School》。这首歌是电影《惊声尖笑》的插曲。

乐队成员包括亚当·施莱辛格(Adam Schlesinger ),克里斯.克林伍德(Chris Collingwood) ,Brian Young,Jody Porter。

直到2003年发行《史黛西的妈妈》之前,韦恩喷泉都没有受到公众的关注,但他们的确是美国最强大的流行音乐表演者之一。乐队总部在新泽西州,于1996年首次问世,融合了英国影响下的流行歌曲风格,低保真音效制作,以及讽刺没有出路的工作和骑自行车的男朋友的歌词。韦恩喷泉在接下来的几年中扩展了阵容,改善了录音效果,最终在2003年的推出了备受欢迎的《Welcome Interstate Managers》。这张专辑在几张排行榜上大获成功,也是该乐队的前40名作品。

乐队历史,可以回溯到1986年。当时,乐队主唱兼词曲施莱辛格(Schlesinger)与克里斯·科林伍德(Chris Collingwood)首次见面,他们俩都在马萨诸塞州威廉姆斯学院学习,之后精力旺盛的两人,各自以及一起组建过多支乐队,不过这些乐队生涯大多短暂。直到十年后的1996年,他们再次重聚,最终确定以韦恩之泉这个名字创作。

施莱辛格在电影原声领域颇有建树。1996年为电影《挡不住的奇迹》( That Thing You Do!,汤姆·汉克斯主演,一部关于乐队的电影)创作了主打歌,引起了更多轰动,并获得第69届奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲提名。1997年获得了格莱美奖提名和RIAA金牌认证。2013年,因《冰川时代4》获得第40届动画安妮奖最佳配乐(提名) 。
