【每日一句】Try to be a rainbow in someone cloud 2024-05-04 19:41:01 Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. 努力成为别人乌云里的一道彩虹。 赞 (0) 相关推荐 【每日一练】give it a shot 人生少不了的是尝试,尝试的英文大家都知道是try,除了动词的try,还可以用名词形式:give it a try; have a try等等.此外,我们还可以说:make an attempt,也是& ... 每日五句谚语20210509 每日五句谚语20210509 每日五句,积少成多,方能脱口而出-20210509 每日五句,积少成多,方能脱口而出-20210509 每日五句,积少成多,方能脱口而出-20210508 每日五句,积少成多,方能脱口而出-20210508 每日五句谚语20210508 每日五句谚语20210508 【每日一句】There is nothing that we can do for someone There is nothing that we can do for someone who doesn't appreciate what's in front of them. 对于一个不懂得珍 ... 【每日一句】The only limit to our realization of tomorro... The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with ... 【每日一句】Time erodes all such beauty Time erodes all such beauty but what it cannot diminish is the wonderful workings of your mind, your ... 每日一句英语口语:Don’t be picky about it. 每天一句英语口语 Don't be picky (j) about it. (降调) [dont] [bi] [ˈpɪki] [əˈbaʊt] [ɪt] 别这么挑剔. Is she like her ... 每日五句谚语20210510 每日五句谚语20210510