作者|马文秀 译者|陆道夫(英文)徐志鸿(西班牙语)
诵读者|水墨 张广奎 徐志鸿
The Shadows of Caravan
By Ma Wenxiu
Translated by Lu Daofu
The shadows of Caravan, Lining up in a long line,
means of livelihood on one end, grief and joy on the other. Running
to traverse the plateau. Finding
a camp for the night, a breathing space for a rest ,
and ,the freights releasing, and their horses tethering …
Each family has its own dark secrets ,
which unfolded around strong men between arms
In spite of endless words, prevented from the hollowed-out bridle
they are thoroughly recorded little by little---
through the bells on the horse neck
The trampling of the horse's hoofs echoed from mountains so high
like two different fresh airs happen to meet in the blue sky.
The tinkle and clink of bell sound
thus possibly distinguish a good horse from the bad,
drank thirstily in the wild pool under the rock, keeping
going further into the West, in the hope of pursuing
a very clean water on Snow Mountain.
La sombra de la caravana
Poetisa: Ma Wenxiu
Traductor:Xu Zhihong
La sombra de la caravana se estira como un hilo,
ambas puntas arrastran la vida y los sentimientos,
atravesando la meseta,
en su pernoctar, descansar y reorganizar,
en su mercadear y su atar el ganado,
el pasado oculto de las progenies
se extende entre los fuertes hombros de los hombres.
Las palabras que las mascarillas con agujeros impiden,
son sin embargo relatadas completamente
por las campanillas en los cuellos de los caballos,
el sonido del trotar retumba entre las sierras,
como dos vientos en firmamento encontrados
podremos juzgar a un buen caballo,
con el sonido nítido de la campanilla,
que procura franquear, por más sed y hambre que tenga,
el pantano del yermo,
rumbo al ocaso, buscando las aguas de la montaña nevada.
▍作 者
A profile of poet
Ma Wenxiu , born in Qinghai Province in 1993, now lives in Beijing. She is a member of the Chinese Writers Association, Director of Editorial Department of a net platform for poems(www.yzs.com). She is also an Executive Editor in chief of Chinese Poetry. Her masterpiece is poetry anthology entitled Echo in the Snow, and a narrative folk epic of Old Street Corner has won support of China ethnic-minorities literature program in 2019.
▍译 者
A profile of translator
Lu Daofu, Ph.D. professor of English and comparative literature, used to be a visiting scholar in the University of Toronto, Canada from 1999-2000. Professor Lu has been specialized in the field of critical theory, contemporary American literature, and media culture. His translation publications include: Art of Intercultural Communication (1988), Encyclopedia of Western Superstition (1989), Subculture: Meaning of Style (2009), Leviathan (2019), A Low Tea Time in London (2020),ect. Professor Lu has been hailed as “a million words translator of professor.”
▍译 者
徐志鸿,马德里康普顿斯大学西班牙文学硕士,中山大学西班牙语系本科,主要研究比较文学、翻译文学、西班牙文学、拉丁美洲文学,有译著《中国纪行》(阿德里亚诺·德·拉斯·科尔特斯)、《汉语谚语俗语集》(明恩溥),专著《根据卡洛斯·保索纽的超现实主义理论研究<诗人在纽约>之后洛尔迦诗歌中的超现实主义元素存在情况》(Surrealismo en la poesía de Federico García Lorca después de Poeta en Nueva York según la teoría surrealista de Carlos Bousoño)。在各种杂志、合集中发表新诗、旧诗。
A profile of translator
Xu Zhihong, Master in Spanish Literature at the Complutense University of Madrid, Bachelor of Spanish at the Sun Yat-Sen University. Research interest: Comparative Literature, Translation Studies, Spanish Literature, and Latin American Literature. Translations: "中国 纪行 Zhongguojixing" ("Viaje de la China" by Adriano de las Cortes) "汉语 谚语 俗语 集 Hanyuyanyusuyuji" ("Proverbs and Common Sayings from the Chinese" by Arthur Henderson Smith). Monograph: "Surrealism in the poetry of Federico García Lorca after Poet in New York according to the surrealist theory of Carlos Bousoño". He published poems in various magazines and anthologies.
张广奎,诗人,翻译家,复旦大学博士后。深圳大学外国语学院教授,诗歌与戏剧中心主任,硕士研究生生导师。主编英国诗刊″Verse Version″,出版译著4部,其中译诗集2部。诗歌和译诗发表散见于《诗刊》等刊物。他的中英文诗歌形式独特,语言极富个性,虽自由散漫,但却脍炙人口,极富美学要素和哲学因子。近年来主要致力于诗歌表演和诗歌表演研究。
徐志鸿,马德里康普顿斯大学西班牙文学硕士,中山大学西班牙语系本科,主要研究比较文学、翻译文学、西班牙文学、拉丁美洲文学,有译著《中国纪行》(阿德里亚诺·德·拉斯·科尔特斯)、《汉语谚语俗语集》(明恩溥),专著《根据卡洛斯·保索纽的超现实主义理论研究<诗人在纽约>之后洛尔迦诗歌中的超现实主义元素存在情况》(Surrealismo en la poesía de Federico García Lorca después de Poeta en Nueva York según la teoría surrealista de Carlos Bousoño)。在各种杂志、合集中发表新诗、旧诗。