作家名片 | 品读阿乙创作,在故事里随意行走

阿乙 A’Yi

A’Yi. Male. With original name Ai Guozhu, A’Yi was born in Jiangxi Province’s Ruichang in November 1976. He has five years of experience working as a police officer. Later on he served as a newspaper editor and as executive editor of the literary journal Tian Nan. He has written the novels Wake Me Up at 9 am and Next, What Should I Do, the short story collections The Bird, It Saw Me, The Story of Dust, and Where is Spring, and the essay collections I, The Sovereign and Intense Sunlight, The Appearances of All Things. Some of his works have been published in Granta, and 15 of his works have been translated into seven foreign languages such as English, French, Italian, and Swedish, and published abroad, some of which have been reviewed or introduced with interviews by media outlets including The Wall Street Journal and Corriere Della Sera. A’Yi has received People’s Literature’s Young Writer of the Year Award, the Chinese Language Literature Media Awards’ Newcomer with the Most Potential Award, the Pu Songling Short Story Award, and the Bookstore Literature Awards’ Work of the Year Award. A’Yi has also been named one of the “Top 20 Future Writers” by People’s Literature, and one of the“Top 20 Chinese Language Writers under 40” by Unitas.
A’Yi comes from a small southern city. The small city characters in his writing embody his deep understanding of people in small cities. They are characters that truly possess souls. He likes to call himself a “writer who tells crime stories”. The well-known poet Bei Dao had this to say about A’Yi: “Simply judging from the scope of what I read, A’Yi is one of the most outstanding Chinese language novelists in recent years. He has a loyalty and passion for writing similar to his loyalty and passion for life.” Former Granta editor John Freeman once commented that: “In A’Yi’s works I discovered a calmness beyond measure and a voice of compassion. It is a composite of the minimalism of Elmore Leonard and the narrative confidence of Zadie Smith. He moves about freely in his stories. You end up following along with him, because you can’t resist. I always deeply admire the restraint and intense state of egolessness in A’Yi’s stories: the writer completely disappears, and enters into the characters.”
The novel Next, What Should I Do is a first person narrative that recounts a story in which “I” kill a female classmate the night before the national college entrance examination. His case is called the “murder case without a motive”. The police and judges never find out his motive for murder. In the end, in the face of pressure from the victim’s mother, he gives a shocking answer. The short story collection The Bird, It Saw Me collects ten of the author’s mature short-to-medium length short stories. It is a short story collection that gathers together absurd lives, deaths, and fates. One night an out-of-towner kills six people with a small knife in a small town, yet is deemed not guilty and released; a bus explodes killing over 20 people, the scene is scattered with limbs and debris, yet there is no trace of the killer’s identity...
Model Youth is an autobiographical short story. “I” and Zhou Qiyuan both graduate from the Police Academy. Zhou Qiyuan is a “model student” in the traditional sense, while “I” just happen to be the opposite. However, “we” both want to escape the county town and go to the big city to make a living. Eventually, Zhou Qiyuan has set up roots in the county town according to his father’s wishes, and has gradually blended in, living a structured life. “I”, on the other hand, went to write for newspapers and magazines in the big cities of Zhengzhou and Beijing. Though Zhou Qiyuan always continued writing, publishing articles, and even earned a graduate degree, in the end he was never able to resist his father and leave the county town. Never free of regret, he passed away due to illness.
A’Yi’s new work Wake Me Up at 9 am came out in 2017, and garnered awards and honors including the Southern Weekly’s 2017 Book of the Year, being named one of the Asia Weekly’s Top Ten Novels of 2017, and being named one of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Book Review’s Top 10 Best Fiction Books of 2017. The novel’s protagonist Hong Yang was once simplistically believed to be an illiterate outlaw. He utilizes his violent strengths and manipulative skills to become a famous person in the town. He is merciless, yet possesses great authority. The story unfolds in the form of a recollection, and depicts the countryside and the characters within it inside of the author’s heart that have gradually disappeared.

英文审校 | 咸慧
编辑 | 霍娟 朱贺芳