Yongle Huazhu Hotel & Resort Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Johnny KIU as Managing Director of Steigenberger Icons Changsha, Steigenberger Changsha and Changsha International Conference Center effective from 19 April 2021.
Johnny graduated from Griffith University Gold Coast Queensland, Australia and majored in Hotel Management. Prior to accepting this position, he has considerable experience in luxury brands with Hyatt, Accor, Shangri-La, and The Peninsula for more than 36 years across various cities in the world such as Xi’an, Chengdu, Wuhan, Guiyang, Chongqing, Shanghai, Zhongshan, Changzhou, Hong Kong, Surabaya, and Cairns. With extensive knowledge and experience of luxury brands, Johnny brings a proven track of success in hospitality and project management filed, which will be invaluable in meeting the company goals and objectives.
We are confident that Johnny will be an excellent match for the position and a strong asset to the team. Please join us in welcoming Mr. Johnny KIU to Steigenberger Icons Changsha, Steigenberger Changsha and Changsha International Conference Center, and wishing him every success with us in Changsha.
近日,洲际酒店集团任命马梦楷先生 (Michael Martin) 为深圳华侨城洲际大酒店总经理兼深圳、东莞及澳门地区区域总经理。马梦楷先生拥有超过35年职业经理人经验,加入洲际酒店集团逾25年,职业生涯遍布欧洲及亚太地区,他分别在英国、中国、阿联酋及新加坡地区旗下的洲际酒店任总经理及区域总经理职位,将凭借专业的行业知识,前瞻的洞察力及卓越的领导力,带领酒店开启“洲际人生”的新篇章。马梦楷先生于英国开启他的职业生涯,在加入洲际酒店集团大中华区期间,带领团队成功开业成都和中山地区的皇冠假日酒店。在任职迪拜洲际码头酒店(InterContinental Dubai Marina)总经理期间,与明星厨师Jason Atherton强强联手,成功打造了迪拜全新用餐目的地,大力提升了酒店餐饮在市场上的声誉。随后,在管理新加坡洲际酒店(InterContinental Singapore)期间,敏锐捕捉市场变化,以精准的市场洞察力带领团队重新定义奢华理念,酒店改造升级后成功转型为奢华型酒店。马梦楷先生凭借独到的全球视野使得多家酒店在市场战略、收益管理、餐饮创新以及人才发展上屡创佳绩,展现了热情且别具风格的个人魅力。“非常高兴加入深圳华侨城洲际大酒店这一大湾区的标志性奢华酒店”马梦楷先生谈到他的新旅程,“期待我的加入为洲际酒店集团大中华区的蓬勃发展注入全新活力 ”。Recently, IHG announces the appointment of Michael Martin as General Manager of InterContinental Shenzhen and Area General Manager for its hotels in Shenzhen, Dongguan & Macau. Mr. Martin brings with him more than 35 years' experience in the hospitality industry, out of which he has spent 25 years with IHG. He moves back to China and Shenzhen following senior leadership roles in Singapore and the UAE.Mr. Martin opened Crowne Plaza Hotels in Chengdu and Zhongshan, following his early career in the UK which included stints in London as well as Regional roles. After his time in China, Mr. Martin moved to Dubai and opened InterContinental Dubai Marina along with Marina Social an outstanding award-winning restaurant with celebrity chef Jason Atherton. He also took on the Operational leadership of 10 other IHG hotels in the UAE. His journey then took him to Singapore, where he took the operational leadership role as Regional General Manager and General Manager at the InterContinental Singapore establishing the hotel in the luxury market following its extensive refurbishment.Mr. Martin is a British national who is not only a passionate hotelier but also a life coach for his team.“I am absolutely delighted to join such an iconic InterContinental hotel here in Shenzhen and being part of the growth story of IHG in the China region” quoted Mr. Martin.近日,万豪国际集团任命朱豪先生(Mr. Henry Zhu)担任西安威斯汀大酒店总经理一职。此次履新,朱豪先生将全面负责威斯汀酒店的战略发展及日常运营的管理。朱豪先生于2000年开启酒店职业生涯,迄今为止拥有21年国际五星级品牌酒店的管理经验,熟谙财务、餐饮及行政管理等运作部门的整体架构和统筹运营,在领导和酒店管理方面获得了扎实的技能和知识。在跨地域数年的工作中,朱豪先生始终秉承万豪集团“以人为本”的经营理念,持续激励团队成员实现自我突破,有效助力团队屡创新高。凭借丰富的从业经验及管理业绩,相信朱豪先生定会带领酒店团队将以全新的姿态,引领市场,创造更多佳绩。Marriott International is pleased to appoint Mr. Henry Zhu as the General Manager of The Westin Xian. In his new position, Mr. Henry will be fully responsible to the management and daily operations of The Westin Xian.
Mr. Henry has over 21 years of experience in the hospitality industry since 2000. He has rich working experience in Finance, Food & Beverage and Operation Executive, and he had gained solid skills and knowledge in leadership and hotel management. His career footprints are across the main cities and be immersed with one of the Marriott’s core value - “Put People First”, through which keep motivating people development as well as team result achieving. With his extraordinary management experience, we believe under his leadership, The Westin Xian will continuous provide outstanding service and products, break records and be the leading hotel in Xian Market.
4、北京八达岭希尔顿逸林酒店任命总经理——陈子敦先生近日,希尔顿酒店集团任命陈子敦先生为北京八达岭希尔顿逸林酒店总经理,全面负责酒店的筹备开业及开业后运营管理工作。在此任命之前,陈子敦先生担任扬州三盛希尔顿逸林酒店总经理一职,成功筹备开业该酒店,并创造了优秀的业绩。陈子敦先生来自马来西亚,曾就职于香格里拉、文华东方、莱佛士、康莱德等国际奢华品牌酒店。多年丰富的国际品牌酒店运营管理经验,赋予陈子敦先生非凡的领导力、洞察力以及对国内外酒店行业的独到见解。陈子敦先生具有丰富的酒店筹开经验,北京八达岭希尔顿逸林酒店是他筹备开业的第五家酒店。陈子敦先生表示:“北京延庆充满独特魅力,展望未来,我们将始终如一地为我们独具慧眼的宾客提供温暖的希尔顿逸林关怀。”相信凭借其超25年酒店行业从业经验及对市场的精准把握,陈子敦先生一定会带领酒店团队成功筹开北京八达岭希尔顿逸林酒店,并在竞争激烈的市场中提升酒店的市场占有率,创造佳绩。Recently, Hilton Worldwide announced the appointment of Mr. Dennis Chin as the General Manager of DoubelTree by Hilton Beijing Badaling. Before this appointment, Dennis was the pre-opening General Manager of DoubltTree by Hilton Yangzhou, leading the team to achieved great success in the market.Hailing from Malaysia, with a demonstrated history of working in the well-respected 5-star and luxury hotel brands such as Shangri-La, Mandarin Oriental, Raffles and Conrad, Dennis has outstanding leadership and deep insights in the full management process. Dennis also has strong pre-opening experience and before DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing Badaling, he opened 4 hotels from identification phase through to completion and handled critical situations.“Yanqing has unique charm and bright future. We look forward to create a rewarding experience for our hotel guests, our Team Members and the communities we proudly serve.” said Dennis. We believe that with the sharp understanding and management experience, Dennis will lead the DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing Badaling team to further success and memorable experiences for our guests in accordance with the longstanding CARE Culture tradition of DoubleTree by Hilton.
Novotel Ningbo East has appointed David Wu as General Manager since 21st April 2021, fully in charge of hotel operation and development.
Prior to joining Novotel Ningbo East, David was the Director of Operation of Hilton Haikou. As a professional hotelier with international perspective, Mr. David Wu has over 17 years working experience as Exec in International brands including the Intercontinental, Accor, Howard Johnson, and Hilton. During this time, he has accumulated rich experience in hotel operation and outstanding leadership skills.
As someone who personally embodies the passion way of life, speaking of his new role, David said: “I am thrilled to join the family with the talented tribe of Ningbo East New Town. We are ecstatic to igniting our guests’ lifestyle passions and remarkable stay.
近日,中旅酒店正式任命刘传伟先生担任苏州旅居姑苏饭店副总经理(主持工作)一职,他将全面负责酒店营销以及管理等事务,领导酒店员工进一步提升旅居品牌“健康、轻松、快捷、绿色”的品牌理念。刘传伟先生作为80后的年轻高管储备力量,拥有超过15年的酒店从业经验,近10年的酒店销售工作经验。从2005年3月参加工作以来,曾在南京侨鸿皇冠假日酒店任宴会厅员工、宴会厅领班;2006年11月入职南京维景国际大酒店任宴会厅主管、客户经理、销售经理、高级销售经理、销售副总监、销售总监、总经理助理。刘先生加入苏州旅居姑苏饭店前,曾担任北京丽都维景酒店副总经理,负责酒店的营销管理并取得了优异的市场业绩。刘传伟先生具备较强的酒店市场洞察力,能够根据酒店市场的变化,及时调整酒店客源结构,转换销售策略,创新销售模式,通过协作和资源整合,实现酒店的经营目标;具备较强的学习能力,善于利用和争取多方资源进行不断的学习提升,能够快速吸收新知识并应用于实际工作中;具备良好的团队管理能力,能够鼓舞和激励下属。他的到来将为苏州旅居姑苏饭店注入全新的活力。近日,武汉光谷希尔顿酒店宣布任命王林先生担任酒店营运总监一职,全面负责酒店餐饮部、厨房部、客房部、前厅部、工程部、安保部、康乐中心等七大部门的日常运营及管理工作。王林先生自2002年开启其酒店职业生涯,曾先后于香格里拉、洲际等酒店担任过重要管理职位,拥有丰富的酒店运营管理经验,尤其在餐饮管理方面有着敏锐的市场前瞻性和洞察力。对于王林先生的加入,武汉光谷希尔顿酒店总经理陈秋萍女士表示:相信凭借王林先生对餐饮及酒店营运的丰富经验,对质量与服务的严格要求,定能带领团队为每一位入住武汉光谷希尔顿酒店的宾客提供热情好客的希尔顿式服务,创造更加辉煌的成绩。8、山西万狮京华(维景国际)大酒店任命市场销售总监——李娟娟女士近日,中旅酒店正式任命李娟娟女士担任山西万狮京华(维景国际)大酒店市场销售总监一职,她将全面协助总经理负责酒店营销以及管理等事务,领导酒店市场传媒部和销售部员工进一步提升维景品牌“维系真情,景致倾心”的旅游住宿服务体验。李娟娟女士拥有15年酒店及相关工作经验。自参加工作以来,曾效力于北京东方君悦酒店、西安人民大厦、厦门索菲特大酒店、唐山新华联铂尔曼大酒店、福州泰禾铂尔曼酒店、广西赐福湖君澜国际度假酒店并分别担任公关经理、市场传讯经理、市场传媒总监、市场销售总监等职务。李女士加入山西万狮京华(维景国际)大酒店前,曾担任唐山国丰维景国际大酒店市场营销总监,负责酒店的营销管理并取得了优异的市场业绩。李娟娟女士在酒店营销方面经验丰富,具备敏锐的酒店市场洞察力和准确的判断力,善于创新营销思路和市场活动策划,能够根据酒店市场的变化及时调整酒店客源结构,为酒店产品提供科学的市场定位依据,通过协作和资源整合,实现酒店的经营目标,同时具备组建高效的营销团队和良好的团队管理能力,她的到来将为山西万狮京华(维景国际)大酒店注入新的活力。9、重庆保利花园皇冠假日酒店任命行政总厨——陈志明先生重庆保利花园皇冠假日酒店很荣幸宣布任命陈志明先生为酒店行政总厨。陈志明先生曾服务于马哥孛罗酒店集团、凯宾斯基酒店集团以及全国多地高档餐厅。多年的餐饮工作经历使他积累了丰富的餐饮管理和销售经验、员工培训技能及高端菜品烹饪技艺,并能熟练编制中英文菜谱以及策划多种菜品方案。他还曾因出色的业绩表现,于 2014 年被派送至北京 APEC 会议接待二十余国国家领导人的用餐工作。我们坚信陈志明生将凭借他坚实专业的餐饮管理背景为重庆保利花园皇冠假日酒店吸引更广 阔的市场,促进和提升客人的满意度和忠诚度,最终为酒店创造最大化的收益。Crowne Plaza Chongqing New North Zone is honored to announce the appointment of Mr. Ken Chen as Executive Chef.Mr. Ken has served in Marco Polo Hotels and Kempinski Hotels groups and other upscale restaurants. Years of F&B working experience has enabled him to accumulate rich experience in management, sales, staff training and high-end dishes culinary skills. Mr. Ken can skillfully compile Chinese & English recipes and varieties of dish plan. Because of his outstanding performance, he has been designated to APEC in Beijing in 2014 to support the dining for the state leaders from more than 20 countries.We are confident that Mr. Ken’s in-depth food and beverage management background will lead hotel to increase food consumption, promote guest satisfaction and loyalty, and maximize hotel revenue sustainably10、北京通州北投希尔顿酒店任命中厨房总厨——吕晶先生近日,北京通州北投希尔顿酒店任命吕晶先生为中厨房总厨,全面负责中餐的菜品创新与研发设计。吕晶先生深耕厨界20年有余,在加入北京通州北投希尔顿酒店之前,曾在德懋堂度假村酒店集团、雅高集团旗下酒店担任行政总厨,积累了丰富的运营经验。从武汉到北京,再至安徽、河北、辽宁、新疆、四川,行遍中国大江南北,从领班到行政总厨,吕晶先生不断汲取各地美食精华,博采众长,因地制宜打造地域美食特色,深受宾客喜爱。吕晶先生也积极参加各类比赛,不断从中提升技能水平,曾获2018年中国技能“幺麻子”杯大赛金牌。干一行、爱一行、钻一行,专业的技能,积极进取的态度,造就了吕晶先生在酒店餐饮上非凡的成就。在日常的生活中,吕晶先生热爱球类运动,喜欢听音乐,提倡健康饮食与健康生活方式。北京通州北投希尔顿总经理成晔先生表示“吕晶先生的加入为管理团队增添了活力,相信未来他将带领中餐厨师团队在整体宾客满意度方面做出卓越成绩,不断践行希尔顿酒店价值观,也正如希尔顿集团的愿景所言,让每一位宾客都能感受到温暖和满意的服务”4月20日的酒店高参任命中,我们粉丝选出了最具人气高管,我们近期将为其做一次专访