
Covert police surveillance cracked the Chilean burglary network’s signature method of operation.

After gathering intelligence by tracking one of several cars identified as being linked to the gang, officers latched on to four burglars, one a teenager and all recently arrived from Santiago, the Chilean capital.
The gang travelled from south London, where their leaders are believed to have set up base, and travelled to Rickmansworth in Hertfordshire.

Following the pattern of each of the raids, the gang picked up the car from an on-street parking spot and entered the first floor of the property using what they could find in the garden to aid them.
At Scotland Yard’s request Hertfordshire officers swarmed over the suspects as they tried to get away with jewellery destined to be posted to Chile.

Alexis Apablaza, 22, Angelo Bustamente, 34, Javier Kurte, 24, and Gustavo Ahumada-Paredes, 19, were each sentenced to two years.
They made no comment in police interviews and pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity.

“When we got our heads around what was going on we did some covert work and identified four burglars leaving south London, making their way across London to Rickmansworth where they were observed to commit a burglary and then we arranged for them to be arrested,” Detective Inspector Tim Court said.

Concerns were raised about the burglars in July last year after a spate of crimes in 2016.
When Ailin Miranda, 22, and Alfredo Rodriguez, 34, were sentenced to 20 months, it was said that the gang were sending new crews every two weeks.
当22岁的艾琳·米兰达(Ailin Miranda)和34岁的阿尔弗雷多·罗德里格斯(Alfredo Rodriguez)被判20个月监禁时,据说这个团伙每两周就会派出一批新成员。
They had been caught raiding in Oxford and had money boxes and jewellery worth £15,000.
Judge Zoe Smith told them: “Domestic burglary is very serious. The occupiers are greatly disturbed by it and children are very frightened.”
