
Ultrasonography of the Kidney:A Pictorial Review



Ultrasonography of the kidneys is essential in the diagnosis and management of kidney-related diseases. The kidneys are easily examined, and most pathological changes in the kidneys are distinguishable with ultrasound. In this pictorial review, the most common findings in renal ultrasound are highlighted.



3. Findings in the Normal Kidney

Normal adult kidney. Measurement of kidney length on the US image is illustrated by ‘+’ and a dashed line.

* Column of Bertin; ** pyramid;*** cortex;**** sinus.



*  肾柱;** 肾锥;***  肾皮质;**** 肾窦。

Normal pediatric kidney.

* Column of Bertin;** pyramid; *** cortex;**** sinus.


*  肾柱;** 肾锥;***  肾皮质;**** 肾窦。

Cortical thickness should be estimated from the base of the pyramid and is generally 7–10 mm.

If the pyramids are difficult to differentiate, the parenchymal thickness can be measured instead and should be 15–20 mm.



Measures of the kidney.

L = length.

P = parenchymal thickness.

C = cortical thickness.


L = 长径.

P = 肾实质厚度.

C = 肾皮质厚度.

Cystic Renal Masses

Masses are seen as a distortion of the normal renal architecture. Most renal masses are simple cortical cysts with a round appearance and a smooth thin capsule encompassing anechoic fluid. The simple cyst is a benign lesion, which does not require further evaluation.



Complex cysts can have membranes dividing the fluid-filled center with internal echoes, calcifications or irregular thickened walls. The complex cyst can be further evaluated with Doppler US, and for Bosniak classification and follow-up of complex cysts, either contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) or contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) are used (Figure 6) [14,15]. The Bosniak classification is divided into four groups going from I, corresponding to a simple cyst, to IV, corresponding to a cyst with solid parts and an 85%–100% risk of malignancy [13,16].


In polycystic kidney disease, multiple cysts of varying size in close contact with each other are seen filling virtually the entire renal region. In advanced stages of this disease, the kidneys are enlarged with a lack of corticomedullary differentiation.


Solid Renal Masses

A solid renal mass appears in the US exam with internal echoes, without the well-defined, smooth walls seen in cysts, often with Doppler signal, and is frequently malignant or has a high malignant potential [4]. The most common malignant renal parenchymal tumor is renal cell carcinoma (RCC), which accounts for 86% of the malignancies in the kidney [2]. RCCs are typically isoechoic and peripherally located in the parenchyma, but can be both hypo- and hyper-echoic and are found centrally in medulla or sinus.



The lesions can be multifocal and have cystic elements due to necrosis, calcifications and be multifocal. RCC is associated with von Hippel–Lindau disease, and with tuberous sclerosis, and US has been recommended as a tool for assessment and follow-up of renal masses in these patients.

肾实性肿块(下图)病变可以是多灶性伴囊性坏死、多灶性伴钙化。 RCC与von Hippel–Lindau病、结节性硬化症相关,建议这些患者积极参与超声随访。

Angiomyofibroma are often found in patients with tuberous sclerosis. They are composed of fat, smooth muscle tissue and vascular elements. The echogenicity is governed by the composition of these elements, but the lesion is often hyperechoic.


Patient with tuberous sclerosis and multiple angiomyolipomas in the kidney.



One of the primary indications for referral to US evaluation of the kidneys is evaluation of the urinary collecting system. Enlargement of the urinary collecting system is usually related to urinary obstruction and can include the pelvis, the calyces and the ureter. Hydronephrosis is seen as an anechoic fluid-filled interconnected space with enhancement within the renal sinus, and normally, the dilated pelvis can be differentiated from the dilated calyces.




Under normal conditions, the ureter is not seen with US. However, in, e.g., urinary obstruction and vesicoureteric reflux with dilation of the ureter, the proximal part in continuation with the renal pelvis, as well as the distal part near the ostium can be evaluated.



The hydronephrosis is typically graded visually and can be divided into five categories going from a slight expansion of the renal pelvis to end-stage hydronephrosis with cortical thinning. The evaluation of hydronephrosis can also include measures of calyces at the level of the neck in the longitudinal scan plane, of the dilated renal pelvis in the transverse scan plane and the cortical thickness, as explained previously.



Hydronephrosis with dilated anechoic pelvis and calyces, along with cortical atrophy. The width of a calyx is measured on the US image in the longitudinal scan plane, and illustrated by ‘+’ and a dashed line.


Same patient as in Figure 16 with measurement of the pelvis dilation in the transverse scan plane illustrated on the US image with ‘+’ and a dashed line.


If the fluid in the dilated collecting system has echoes, pyonephrosis should be excluded by clinical exam, blood analysis and, in special cases, puncture or drainage. Hydronephrosis can also be caused by non-obstructive conditions, such as brisk diuresis in patients treated with diuretics, in pregnant women and in children with vesicoureteral reflux







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