【火腿快新闻】历史性的时刻 | “火腿电视”系统被首次应用于国际空间站与英国学校学生的通联上

“Ham TV” System Used for First Time During ARISS Contact with UK School


A big screen in the Royal Masonic School auditorium displayed the historic Ham TV digital Amateur Radio TV image.皇家共济会女子中学礼堂的屏幕上显示“火腿电视”数字业余广播电视图像。

The “Ham TV” digital Amateur Radio television system onboard the International Space Station was used for the first time ever this week for an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) school contact. UK and ESA Astronaut Tim Peake, KG5BVI, inaugurated the system as he spoke on February 11 with students at a school in Rickmansworth, England. The DATV system in the Columbus module of the ISS allowed students at Royal Masonic School, home of GB1RSM, to see as well as listen, as Peake, operating as GB1SS, answered their questions about life in space. The one-way DATV downlink took place near 2.4 GHz, while the two-way FM audio component was maintained on 2 meters.

国际空间站的“火腿电视”数字业余广播电视系统本周首次被用于国际空间站业余无线电通讯计划的通联直播中。英国和欧洲航天局局宇航员Tim Peake, KG5BVI 2月11日在和英国里克曼沃斯的一所学校的学生通联时首次使用了该系统国际空间站的哥伦布DATV系统模块可以让皇家共济会所学校GB1RSM基地的学生收看和听到Peake操作GB1SS回答他们在太空生活的问题。单向DATV的下行频率在2.4 GHz附近,而双向FM音频组件保持在2米段。

“It was a historic event,” enthused Past ARISS-EU Chair Gaston Bertels, ON4WF, who helped shepherd the DATV system into existence after it was first proposed more than 15 years ago. “The radio contact was enhanced with video! Tim Peake activated the Ham Video transmitter on board Columbus.” The IK1SLD ground station received the Ham TV signal.

“这是一次历史性的事件”ARISS-EU主席Gaston Bertels ON4WF兴奋地说,Gaston Bertels 曾带领项目组将15年前首次提出的DATV系统落地。他表示无线电通联视频传输能力增强了,Tim Peake激活了美国俄亥俄州首府哥伦布的火腿视频直播发射器, IK1SLD 地面站接收到了火腿电视信号。

As students at the all-girls school looked on, Peake’s image appeared on a large viewing screen before a fully packed auditorium. The contact took place on the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Peake’s Principia Mission has been aimed at engaging students on Earth in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects.


Seven-year-old Isabella asked Peake what space travel will look like when she is Peake’s age. “I think it’s going to be really exciting then,” Peake responded, predicting that 35 years from now there will be people on Mars, a colony on the moon, and shorter transit times in space. Responding to the other students’ questions, Peake said that his leg muscles seem to be the ones most affected by his time on the space station. He explained that the ISS crew manufacture their own oxygen through electrolysis of water.

7岁的Isabella问Peake当她长到Peake一样大的年龄时宇宙航行将变成什么样。Peake回复小女孩的问题,他认为那将是一段非常令人兴奋的旅程,他预计从现在开始算35年以后,人们将可以登上火星,在月球上建立殖民地,同时太空穿行的时间将缩短。 Peake还回答了其他学生的提问,他说他的他的腿部肌肉受长时间空间站工作的影响最大并介绍自己呼吸的氧气是由国际空间站电解水机组制造的。

The Ham TV video system was commissioned during a number of live tests in 2014, but it had never been used for an ARISS school contact before this week.


“Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) President John Gould, G3WKL, remarked, “Tonight was a truly historic moment, not only for the school having their contact with Tim, but, for the first time ever a school received amateur television from the ISS. I hope this event gives all the students at the school, and everyone watching, a sense of inspiration in terms of STEM subjects, which have been brought so vividly to light in a fun way through Amateur Radio.”

英国无线电协会主席John Gould, G3WKL评论,“今晚是一个真正的历史性的时刻,不仅学校的学生和TIM进行了通联,而且是这所学校有史以来第一次从国际空间站接收到了业余无线电电视信号。我希望学生们通过此次业余无线电通联的这种生动有趣的方式的观摩给STEM学科带来灵感”

Said ARISS International Chair Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, "Congratulations to the Ham TV Team!  This day has been long coming. My thanks to all who made this first operational contact happen."

国际空间站业余无线电通讯计划主席Frank Bauer, KA3HDO说“恭喜火腿电视小组,这一天经过漫长的期待终于来到了,我感谢所有参与第一次通联的人们。”


ARISS -Amateur Radio on the International Space StationARISS 国际空间站业余无线电通讯计划

ARISS 这个将是业余无线电爱好者的新话题。“ARISS 国际空间站业余无线电通讯计划”是由美国业余无线电联盟、国际业余卫星组织、美国国家宇航局等共同发起,是美国国家宇航局面向青少年的科技教育项目之一。



