疫情期间,以色列的“追踪宝” | 时事外刊

More than 600 000 Israelis have been sent to quarantine since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic after being identified as at risk of contracting Covid-19 by the cell phone tracking program of the Shin Bet and Israel police.


The Shin Bet receives names of confirmed COVID-19 patients from the health ministry.


And then uses a classified database of phone records to find anyone who may have been in contact with the patient for more than 15 minutes.


Justine Zwerling and her family have been in quarantine at least four times since the pandemic started.


I came back on almost the last flight from the JK.


So I went into into isolation then for two weeks and then my husband came back on the our second to last flight from the USA.


So then we were in isolation again then the whole country went into isolation um and then with the children we were in isolation a couple of times because we were informed that they had been exposed at school.


Politicians from the government coalition defend the use of the Shin Bet for contact tracing claiming that the surveillance has detected about 30 percent of the coronavirus cases in Israel.


The subcommittee for intelligence of the Knesset, the Israeli parliament has continually voted to extend the law authorizing the Shin Bet program.


I understand the issue of privacy, but I think people want to know if there is a good chance that they have been next to someone with corona.


And if we did a survey asking people if they would want to get an sms telling them this,they wouldn't see it as an invasion of privacy, they would say wow tell me, because I don't want to infect my family.

如果我们做一个调查, 问人们是否愿意收到短信被告知这一消息,他们不会认为这是侵犯隐私,他们会说,哇,告诉我吧,因为我不想传染给我的家人。

But some Israeli analysts are concerned about the threat to civil rights and democracy.


Using a secret service in order to conduct contact tracing which means knowing the location, the history of the phone calls, the history of text messages, the history of web surfing. .


Of all the citizens of Israel who are not suspicious or suspected in anything, they're that just might be sick, um doing this um is a tremendous violation of of human rights uh in Israel.


I would say the most extensive one uh since the foundation of the country.


Some politicians are also concerned but acknowledge that most Israelis don't mind the invasion of their privacy.

一些政客 也对此表示担忧,但是,他们承认,大多数以色列人并不介意侵犯隐私。

Israelis the majority of them go through an army service.


We are living and have been living always under the concept of an existentail threat and that we have to pay prices for our security.

我们将生活在并且过去一直生活在生 存威胁的观念下,必须为自己的安全付出代价。

Israelis were the first I think to go through the routine of having their bags checked in the entrance any entrance to any public space.


So I think for Israelis it's less inconceivable for them that the secret service is so deeply involved in their lives.


Well personally I no I don't feel bothered that I'm being tracked, because I feel we were made aware of the fact that we were being tracked.


So it's not some secret or something and you know it's for our protection and for our awareness.


For months there have been growing street protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but while he has been attacked for alleged corruption and abuse of democratic principles,


there has been little public opposition to his use of the security services in the fight against the pandemic.


